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It is snowing!!!!

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Just had a phonecall from chookiehubbie to say that it's falling thickly in the centre of Edinburgh - we've had a couple of flurries here, but not as much as it sounds like they've got there!

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(mind you he prefers heinz to mine :roll: ) i think he was brought up on tins and frozen meals :roll: .


I have one like that Sparkleee! :roll: Why use fresh ham when you can open a tin of spam? :twisted:


It's bitterly cold here and the sky is full of those snowy clouds! It must be on it's way! :dance:

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Poor chooks!


The snow is coming and going here - it pelts with snow for half an hour, it stops, the sun comes out and melts it a bit, then it snows again. :roll:

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