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It is snowing!!!!

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Well the weather is just showing sleet for us at around 12. However I just went to let the chooks out (stupid Cube door was stuck again and Mum couldn't open it) and its that sort of cold and the air is thick with snow clouds so maybe they got it wrong.


I'm really glad we didn't wake up to a blanket of snow though, all the schools round here go back today EXCEPT MINE and I would be GUTTED if everyone got a snow day when we were on holiday!


Also I'm looking forward to a day when James is at school and I'm not, its a rare occurance.

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we had a tiny bit this morning and its bitterly cold. hubbie is working in a very exposed area today so i hope it doesnt snow until this evening for his sake. i sent him off with a flask of coffee and salmon sandwiches but i am going to the farm shop to stock up on veggies for soup (mind you he prefers heinz to mine :roll: ) i think he was brought up on tins and frozen meals :roll: .

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