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My veggies have disappeared!

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Just been down the quagmire which was my lawn,to check on my veggie bed, to find my bed of Broccoli & Caulis has been munched.

There is literally nothing but a few sad green stumps with teeth marks in :evil:

2 weeks ago they were tall,lush & wonderfully healthy looking!


Any ideas what ate them so quickly?

I can discount bunnies & deer, but are slugs still about in the winter?

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The weren't slugged, it was much worse...they were cabbage white butterflied! Then the caterpillars ate them. The cauliflowers did regrow though and they're still growing now. (They're just a bit small).


But now the cauliflowers are flowering-is this supposed to happen?

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Better check mine on the allotment because we took the enviromesh off one area because it had come loose and white fly had got in


Try planting french marigolds around the area. It worked for my tomatoes and stopped the white fly.


I always grow a few dozen marigolds now. They are so easy to grow and I pop then in around anything that is susceptible to white fly/aphids.

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The pigeons round here drive me mad - eating all the veg the minute your back is turned. They look so fat and dozy but are cunning as foxes. I hoped the hens would be like guard hens and see 'em off but they half-heartedly chase them only if they are close enough. And as the hens spend alot of time lurking by the back door ready to ambush us, or pecking round the drain (nice), they are too far away from the scene of the crime.

Sorry for this belated ramble I'm just having a Sunday afternoon forum catch-up. Lovely.

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