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Latest pictures of Molly and Spice

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Well as the weather has been so ncie today I took the chance to pop outside and take a few pictures of the hens. I thought I'd post them on here as you haven't seen pictures of them since they were about 16 weeks.


Well here's Molly, a Cream Legbar, she's now 28 weeks and crouching, so we should be expecting eggs from her soon.



And here's Spice, a Barnevelder, she's 30 weeks, but isn't showing any signs of laying just yet.


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Something tells me you're planning something Cinnamon. When we were viewing hens at the breeder, (Rodney, lives in a nearby village) he had a whole row of them and they're reall cool sat next to each other!!!


Anyway, I'm certainly hoping she'll lay soon as I'm starting to get impatient. Mind you it is nice her crouching for me as it means I can scoop her up and give her a cuddle easily and she's so soft!

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Spice is gorgeous! im very :mrgreen: as Barnevelders are a big favourite of mine (I love the big breeds) and I really wanted one when Sam died last August, no breeders around here though.


I love the colouring, can you see the tinges of green in her feathers liz? :D


Yes you can, you really could yesterday though as it was so sunny.

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