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Bursting to tell someone.....

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Just found our first EGG :D:D:D:D


Think it might be from Ivy our gingernut ranger.


I've left it in the nest so that my son can find it when he comes home,tried phoning OH(abroad for work) no answer,mother in law ..no answer,so sharing the news with all of you.


GNR Ivy !egg! TODAY!!!. PP Mavis.


Thanks for listening.

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Congratulations to the Chicken :!:

I 'blew' our first eggs and we still have them all in an egg box. Its where you make 2 holes in each end and blow the insides out, so you can keep the shell and eat it aswell. (just make sure you rinse the insides :) )

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Well done to you too MrandMrsG,have you decieded how to have your egg?


Our egg was a good size 65g,lots of pictures taken;we've posted a couple in the gallery,hope we've done it right. Try the link below.

Can't wait to see if we get one tomorrow(getting greedy!). GNR IVY !eggbrown! TODAY !! PP Mavis






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