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Guest Poet

pasta maker 1/2 price!

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just bought this from Argos for £7.49!




can't wait to try it out. Just need to get some 00 flour.


Also went to Ikea and bought 2 kilner bottles, 2 large, 2 medium and 2 small kilner jars and 8 spice jars http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/40064702 which will be perfect for jam. Couldn't resist more tupperware and some groovy napkin holders as well :whistle:


Had meatballs and chips for lunch and some dime bar cake, mmmm.


That's it now, bread and water for the rest of the month :oops:

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  CatsCube said:

And dime bar cake . . .please elaborate?


It's like a cheescake sort of cake made with dime bars that they serve in the cafe. I've only ever seen it in Ikea. It's like a sort of biscuit base with some sort of toffee/caramel/creamy filling then topped with chocolate with bits of dime bar in the chocolate. It's to die for! :D You can also buy it in the Ikea food section but there's never any left! :(

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  Janty said:
Hubby says you have to work the pasta dough through the machine a lot to get the elasticity. He suggests using an extra egg yolk to whatever amount of eggs are suggested in your recipe in order to achieve a richer flavoured, golden coloured dough.


thanks, is it easy to get the hang of it or does it take a lot of practice? Jamie made it look so easy the other night but he's probably done it hundreds of times.

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  Kate said:
I've got that pasta maker and it's fab! Making pasta is so relaxing - you'll love it!


As for the dime cake.........drool! We always buy one when we go to Ikea :wink: .


cool :D There's never any DB cake left when we go, probably just as well! ;)

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Hubby makes it look easy...I'm not so nimble fingered unfortunately.


It is awkward at first...make sure that you have the machine clamped securely to the work surface. That helps.


We have bought a motor attachment now so it gives us an extra set of hands to hold the pasta. The motor has made the job easier...no more turning the handle and wrestling with the pasta at the same time. There should be a leaflet inside the box with attachments that you can buy. It is worth buying a motor

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A good sauce to have with your lovely fresh pasta is a fresh tomato and basil sauce. Every summer we collect a shed load of tiny, sweet tomatoes from the greenhouse and put them into the stock pot with just basil, salt and pepper and a little water. We bring this slowly to the boil and then simmer and reduce over a low heat for an eternity. Then we leave it to cool and freeze it in containers to enjoy throughout the winter.



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I used to make my own pasta all the time but haven't for ages (must clear the dust off the pasta machine!) - I used to split the dough into three and then add tomato puree to one third and herbs to another so that you get the three colours of pasta - the tricolor effect. They also tasted really yummy.

Good luck with it, it's great fun!

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I had a go - it is very easy, but I was doing it the long winded way, whereas Jamie used a food processor. My way took much longer! It is gorgeous so I would recommend giving it a go - especially for lasagne when you don't have to faff with the tagliatelle cutter (although he even did that easily by doing it by hand! :? )

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I make the pasta dough in a mixing bowl and it's quite a nice sticky process :lol: . I put 8oz pasta flour in a bowl, make a well in the middle and break 2 eggs into it. I work the eggs into the flour with my fingers and knead the dough in the bowl to save making a mess. Rest it for 10-15 minutes then run it through the pasta machine. Doddle :D .

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I bung a load of flour in (its always more flour than you think) crack a couple of eggs in and then add flour as it needs it. Pasta dough is a lot thicker than any other dough. In fact make it crumbly and keep sticking it back together and put it through the machine a few times before you start thinning it. if its at all tacky add more flour.

We had lasagne tonight, it was yummy.

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So that's why there was no pasta flour available in Waitrose tonight? :roll:


We make it about once a year - it's not that difficult and tastes much better than shop bought "fresh" pasta (which isn't that fresh in most cases). It's just that it takes a bit more time than it took Jamie, although with practice I think it could be much quicker.


The very first time I tried making it I did it by rolling it out by hand. You don't need a machine, but it does make it a bit easier!



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I got this pasta machine last year and its great until I tried the cutters. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but it wouldn't cut the pasta right through so I ended up with a sort of lacy effect pasta sheet?! I noticed Jamie cut his sheet with a knife which is probably easier and also you don't have the problem of getting the cutters clean. :D

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Oh, no, the persuasive powers of the forum trying to convince me to get yet another gadget :shock: . I wonder, if I buy this will I actually use it, or will it end up taking up space in the back of my kitchen cupboards :think: .

I am tempted and £7.49 isn't very much............. but money's tight and I've got far too many gadgets already :whistle:


I'll sleep on it :wink:

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