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Castle or mansion - posh and becks style for chooks

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My mother-inlaw has sent me down an article entitled 'Home for posh and Becks' which was in the Telegraph on Saturday. Did anyone read it ??

It is about a former lieutenant colonel who now makes AMAZING (if - but a bit OTT) mansions and castles for chickens and ducks. There is a palladian villa - a scottish baronial mansion (exclusive to scotland) - a gothic banqueting house and even Inniskilling castle.

My hubby went bezerk when he found out how much my 'girlies' cube cost - so I don't think I could warrant the £3,000.00 for one of this (maybe will bare in mind when my lottery numbers come up - or I sell a best seller)

Can't see POSH on her hands and knees cleaning one out somehow. :lol:

Have a look at them:


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I wonder how many they sell every week? If any?


I was rather taken with the barn bird table, but even if I had the money I'm not sure the birds would like it any more than the feeders I have at the moment. And how would you keep the squirrels out?



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