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baby bears mum

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!

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Hi all.


I did it. We have a (purple eglu) arriving next Monday. :dance:


Just rang up the chicken place to find out about Light and Buff Sussex and a Rhode Island Red and they say it's 4 - 6 weeks wait. :(


I know I should learn to be patient but I have an 11 year old daughter who will be every bit as bad as me!


Does anyone know anywhere in Powys/Shropshire/Worcestershire/West mids (we'll travel) that might have these breeds? Can't seem to find any joy on t'internet.


We are just so excited. :lol:


Thanks all.






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Thanks everyone.


Decided to go with the chicken place so we will have to wait the 4 - 6 weeks. :cry: but I was very impressed with them when I went to see them (it was the Wernlas Collection little chickadee but thanks for the tip) and I figure it is better to go with somewhere you know.


The Practical Poultry mag. is very good too thanks dogs and chickens.


And thanks Egluntine - you seem to be a mainstay of this forum with so much good advice, I have a feeling i'll need to pester you again.


I think I need to introduce myself properly so I think I'll post on the introduction section. I've never used a forum before so am not quite sure which bit I need to do first so forgive me if I end up with posts all over the place but I am so impressed (and a bit overwhelmed!) with it all.


Anyway thanks to you all.







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Thank you everyone.


I've always been a bit wary of forums so never got involved but this is eggselent (sorry!).


Thanks Krysia. The chap I spoke to at Wernlas Collection was not keen on eglus either but so what!!! we like the look of them and lets face it whenever something different is introduced the stalwarts are always cautious. :shameonu:


Thanks Fur n Feathers. We will have to keep one another posted as to when they lay!!!! Hope you enjoy your chooks. :clap:


I am sooooooooo excited. My daughter doesn't know we're getting an eglu yet so hopefully when she gets home on Monday it will be here and set up. She is really keen on getting chickens but I'm playing it down and saying we need to really look into it (it's only been three months of looking into it so far). :liar:


Once again thanks everyone. :dance:










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