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Tina C

I have had a haircut

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And I feel sooooo much better.


Have been working very hard lately, Layla was ill over half-term and OH is quite stressed too.


But I had a very overdue haircut this morning and am feeling so much more positive about things. So my message to anyone else who is feeling a bit down is - go and be pampered for an hour. It won't solve all your problems but it might just have more of an impact than you think it will.


(Wonder if any of my gang will notice later though?)

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Lovely hair cut Tina! :D


I don't do any of the pampering things I used to have the time and money for, but I religiously have my hair cut every 6 weeks (plus I get a discount if I rebook at the time :oops: ). Sitting having my hair washed and head massaged is soooo relaxing! 8) I refuse to give that up! :lol:

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