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The Dogmother

James Brown alarm clock

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My ipod alarm clock is set to the Power of Love at the moment. I'm not generally a fan of that sort of stuff, but I do like a good belter every now and again.


I have the Celine Dion version followed by the Jennifer Rush original and then spend five minutes boring her indoors to tears debating which is best.


If you are interested, Jennifer Rush has, imo, the better voice (more rounded we decided - the voice not the person, or perhaps ..) but the backing is better on the Celine Dion version.


and there is ooodles of reverb on them both.


and actually I'm getting a bit fed up of it now. its the drumming - must be a drum machine to go dum dum de dudum so monotonously.


You weren't really interested anyway were you?

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My ipod alarm clock is set to the Power of Love at the moment. I'm not generally a fan of that sort of stuff, but I do like a good belter every now and again.


I have the Celine Dion version followed by the Jennifer Rush original and then spend five minutes boring her indoors to tears debating which is best.


If you are interested, Jennifer Rush has, imo, the better voice (more rounded we decided - the voice not the person, or perhaps ..) but the backing is better on the Celine Dion version.


and there is ooodles of reverb on them both.


and actually I'm getting a bit fed up of it now. its the drumming - must be a drum machine to go dum dum de dudum so monotonously.


You weren't really interested anyway were you?




In the words of Buzz Lightyear, "you are a sad strange little man, and you have my pity"




Mrs Bertie

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who needs an alarm clock :?::?::?: well not in this house...............


I have my very own little chicken alarm clock..............Gerty chook likes to be up very very very early and in case I've forgotten, overslept or was thinking of having a lie in...... she calls at the top of her little chicken voice from her eglu :lol::lol::lol:


(ah bless you gotta love her really :D:D:D:D )



BTW like the cartoon Clare 8)8)

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