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Snow ?

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Yes we have snow here in Cheshire................I hope it stops soon Emily has an out door riding party booked for tomorrow night please make it stop snowing just for tomorrow...................Any ideas what i can do with 9, 9 year olds for 2 hours...............Help........... :lol::lol:

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Yes. We woke up this morning to a light dusting of snow. I went back to bed after I let the chickens out :D and have just got up again. The snow has now melted and we now have drizzerly rain.


There was a road closed in the area due to snow yesterday, and a road only opened on Thursday after being blocked for 4 days :shock:

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Lots of snow here, well for somewhere costal a couple of inches is a lot. I'm just about to take them some porridge & corn, perhaps with a few mealworms sprinkled on top. They're taking turns to come out of the eglu & sit on the rim of their dust bowl. Looks like DH has beaten me to it - he's out there hand feeding them corn (wearing just a tshirt :roll: )

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No snow down here, in fact we've got spring :P:P

I've spent all morning in the garden, just come in for a cup of tea and a catch up before I get out there again. It's a lovely day, not exactly warm, but not cold either, especially when you're digging :wink: We've not had any snow to mention this year, and whilst I was disappointed to miss it all in Dec, Jan, Feb, quite honestly I don't want any now, I'm getting ready for Spring instead. Longer evenings too at the end of the month :D



Yes we have snow here in Cheshire................I hope it stops soon Emily has an out door riding party booked for tomorrow night please make it stop snowing just for tomorrow...................Any ideas what i can do with 9, 9 year olds for 2 hours...............Help........... :lol::lol:


Oh, good luck Nicola, I hope the snow's only short lasting, and that Emily's party goes smoothly. Is it her birthday? You'll have to let us know so that we can post birthday greetings for her in the Special Day thread :D Although I'll probably be a day late again..... somehow I usually am :oops::oops::oops::oops::shock:

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It is Emily's 9 th birthday tomorrow kate and it is still snowing, I have just spoken to the girl at the stables and she said wrap up warm we will ride for as long as the horses can stand the cold and then the girls will learn all about tack and get to brush the horses...........Just off to knit myself another scarf........... :lol::lol:

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Same here Angelfire :(


The forecast last night showed all of the UK with snow today .......except for the south east :twisted:


....and the Midlands :roll: Actually, if you watch weather reports, the Midlands very rarely gets any weather at all :evil: eg. "rain in the North and West and dry in the South and East" :?

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Betty and Wilma are fine they got leftover sweetcorn for brekky this morning and had a right s"Ooops, word censored!" over it :lol:


Betty was standing on top of it to try to stop Wilma getting any but it didn't work :roll:


It is melting but they are expecting more tonight :evil: I have a visitor from head office coming tomorrow so I have to be here :roll:

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