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Do chickens like raw carrots?

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Mine love them cooked. I just cook my peelings whilst the dinner is cooking and give them to the girls next day as their afternoon treat. Chooks will eat loads of things and seem to have personal preferences. I know there are some lists somewhere on the forum that some kind soul will point you towards. :)

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I didn't think they liked raw carrot, but my Dad gave me some very woody ones that were full of slugs from his garden (:vom:) and I couldn't stomach cutting off the sluggy bits so threw them to the chooks. They ate the lot! :shock: Had some very interesting pebble dashing on the patio next day though! 8)

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Mine used to eat raw carrot peelings until the day we served them up cooked.... now the fussy little things won't touch raw carrot.


Mine like cooked sprouts but will only pick at raw sprout leaves. Love mostly everything else but won't touch spring onions (but amazingly my chive plants get nibbled down to the ground....)

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