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Ain't Nobody Here

White egg layer

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As some of you will know, I'm adding one more to my flock soon :D .


I'd like one that's a different colour to my other girls (ie not black, dark brown, or mottled brown) and that lays white eggs. (I'd like blue, but I understand that's more difficult to guarantee.)


Feemcg has been most helpful with advice and contact numbers of breeders but while I pass the time till Easter, I wondered if any white egg layer owners out there had any pictures/advice for me :) . Does anyone have a Gold Legbar - they look lovely!


She's already got a name (not Fee, the new chicken :oops: ) - I'll give you three guesses :wink: .

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I'm guessing Mandy, to go with Millie and Molly :)


No idea about Gold Legbars - my three all lay white/tinted eggs. Assuming the standards are similar to the bantam versions, Wyandottes lay pale eggs and are fairly good layers for pure breeds (3-4 eggs per week most of the year, not overly broody).

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Whats that, gratuatous pics of chickens required!?


Im sure I can oblige.

Thi is Dippy my White star, very small, she is very friendly (unusual) a real character, very noisy but lays huge pure white eggs every day (65g +)



And this is Perdy my Exchequer leghorn, again pure white eggs, not quite as frequently (normally every other day) but unlike most pure breeds she will lay in winter too. Larger than the White Star and pretty colouring.


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Good luck ANH I've found it hard to find someone who does a white egg layer, a blue egg layer (all hybrids for the eggs) and a normal egg layer that isn't too far away, as my mum says there has to be some in south lincs we are known for chickens LOL!


Please keep us posted as I'd be very interested how it goes esp with finding a good blue egg layer. :D:D

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lovely photos catscube.


we both have white stars called dippy and they both have big floppy combs that look more like red fringes :lol: I often wonder how much it annoys them. My dippy is not friendly she is slightly and extremely hard to catch, and makes a noise when she has laid, but boy can she lay day after day 60 - 65g which is amazing for such a small bird but maybe that is why she is small


perdy is so gorgeous, but she does look a bit like you are intruding on her privacy in that photo she is looking down her beak at you :lol:

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Yes I discovered a few minutes later I was intruding on her laying a double yoker!


I know white stars are known for being flighty Im rather lucky in Dippy being the easiest to catch and very tame its hard to not just keep tripping over her. How much noise does your Dippy make the rest of the time? Mine makes a noise from first thing untill about 2o'clock. I had to ask the neighbours if they minded as I hear her sitting in my lounge.

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Your White Stars are lovely - very pretty (and I do like the idea of white eggs!)


However, I've just phoned a number that Fee gave me and it turns out it's the same guy I got my girls from last September :shock: . He has no white egg layers but has quite a few different breeds including some Columbines that are laying sky blue eggs :D . They are a mix of colourings so we're going to go at Easter and pick one - yippee :lol: .


Who needs chocolate eggs when you can get a real chicken at Easter :D . (Well, me actually, I want both :oops: .)

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Hi Luthien


My legbar Chick (that's her name!) was born in 2006 and has started laying again just recently after a winter rest, I am getting at least three or four eggs a week from her. My older legbar Basil is just over 5 years old and I don't think she is laying anymore, we did get occasional ones last year though so perhaps we still will.


I think purebreeds live longer than hybrids so I am hoping Basil will go on for two or three years yet.





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