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Plasma or LCD??

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We need to buy a new tv and we are being blinded by science. Should we buy a plasma or an LCD we watch a lot of sport and have been told that plasma tvs keep up with the movement better but don't last as long.LCDs seem a bit juddery with movement but tend to have sharper brighter pictures otherwise.


Help I'm very confused :?

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Good for you Claret.


I preferred our old telly to the flat screen wotsit we have got now.


The picture was much clearer and crisper.


Several friends have all singing all dancing cinema screen type tellies....and I am singularly unimpressed with the picture quality of all of them.


Emperors New Clothes spring to mind. :?

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we were originally going to buy a samsung 32 in LCD but we then saw the panasonics and they seem to have better pictures and good reviews everywhere, we were then advised to get plasma because we watch sport a lot. The plasmas seem to have a softer picture with more natural colours and the one we saw today had fantastic sound wjich could mimic suround sound which would eb good too because the music channels are on a lot in our house :?

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We have a 37" LCD and the picture is superb, we bought one of the best in its class at the time after a lot of research.


What sung it for ut also is that yes plasma dont last as long, they also use far more electricity, pump put a hell of a lot of heat and are not as environmentally friendly.

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you're all speaking a strange language again :wink::roll::D


when our telly finally broke last year - I went to John Lewis and bought the one that looked prettiest and fitted in the available gap in my lounge :roll::roll: and had a big enough screen that I can actually read teletext without having to rest my nose on the screen :wink::D think it was an 26inch LCD :?::?:

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:roll: What is it with men and size?


14" portable colour, 20 years old, old style TV here - never gets used :roll::oops:


I agree Clare, 14" colour telly for me too. The problem I have with these enormous tellys is that unless you have a ginormous living room they just dominate the whole room, which looks horrible :evil: I suppose if I watched telly more I might be more interested in pic quality and size :wink:



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About 6 years go I bought a 42" plasma. It was very good picture wise, but it got very hot and regularly broke down.

At Christmas I decided to treat myself to a 40" Samsung LCD and it's beautiful, great picture quality and games consoles play well on it.

My friends have the 50" version and they're equally impressed with it. I really think LCD is better.

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thanks for the comments and advice guys & gals keep em coming :D


we have swaped our lounge and dining room round they are joined by sliding doors and the dining room was a bit small for our table and the lounge could never quite be arranged right with a tv in it. So we now have a small cosy room with an L shaped bright red leather sofa and all the dvds' console games and tv etc in and a big room with the dining table slightly off centre and the woodburner down one end with a sofa either side of it. This works really well because we have a family relaxing room and a tv room :D The tv room is small so with a big tv it is going to be quite impressive

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I have an inexpensive 21" LCD - my ex had been paying for the rental on a ginormous CRT, but after we split up the rental TV went back. I wanted something I could actually lift if I wanted to rearrange the furniture, and plasmas were horrifically expensive at the time (back in 2004). It's a bit rubbish at dark colours, but we don't watch a great deal of TV anyway, so it's no big deal.


I think I would still go for LCD since they're environmentally a lot better - and the quality has improved a lot, just like laptop screens.

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Recent LCD resolution is equal to that of a good plasma. I have a Samsung 40" which is connected to a 360 and is smooth as anything out there. Worth taking note that Sony use Samsung screens so for the extra 50% on the price tag you are paying for the electrics.


Nice telly!


The samsung one is a real beauty....we sadly dont have one but may do one day. Looks fantastic in glossy black/black surround. Do you have it on the wall?

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:roll: What is it with men and size?


14" portable colour, 20 years old, old style TV here - never gets used :roll::oops:


I agree Clare, 14" colour telly for me too. The problem I have with these enormous tellys is that unless you have a ginormous living room they just dominate the whole room, which looks horrible :evil: I suppose if I watched telly more I might be more interested in pic quality and size :wink:




I actually moved mine out when I was decorating a couple of years ago - it was shut away in the attic for nearly 3 weeks before Rosie realised it wasn't around :lol:

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:roll: What is it with men and size?


14" portable colour, 20 years old, old style TV here - never gets used :roll::oops:


I agree Clare, 14" colour telly for me too. The problem I have with these enormous tellys is that unless you have a ginormous living room they just dominate the whole room, which looks horrible :evil: I suppose if I watched telly more I might be more interested in pic quality and size :wink:







The MIL has a 52'' Tv, and the nan in law has the same one, and they DO dominate the whole room, i HATE them!


We have a old 18'' one i hide away in a oak cabinet.


I hate they way they look in your lounge. Id like a wooden 1950s one.


edit- like this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RARE-1950-S-60-S-VINTAGE-GEC-TELEVISION-IN-CABINET_W0QQitemZ150217792869QQihZ005QQcategoryZ3638QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem



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I bought a LCD TV last year, because my daughter has photo-sensitive epilepsy and the "flicker" of an old-style TV is within the spectrum which can trigger an attack. I suffer with migraines, which can be set off by flickering light too, so it was a good buy all round. I know nothing about plasma TV as it isn't within my price bracket. Sorry.

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