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Well i have been up since 02.30 this morning, in the very blustery wind we had it knocked down my chicken run!!!!! My husband and i had to put it back together. Our quails house rolled round and round the garden because a tree had fallen on their run and smashed it completly to pieces. thankfully they are all ok but confined in their house untill the ark arrives on monday. their house has wire so they can get fresh air. All this and we pick the chooks up tomorrow and the forcast is gales tonight and thursday!!!!!!! :shock::shock::shock:

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Sorry to hear about your problems. Thankfully, although our garden gate was blown off it's hinges and the shower curtains had been ripped off the cube runs, our chickens and quail were fine last night.


Hope the weather is not as bad as expected over the next few days.

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Our bird table is smashed and it was a really heavy one.


I went down the garden this morning to retrieve an (empty) compost bin that was blowing down by the greenhouse and I noticed on of the upright leg bits was off the trampoline - putting it back in I could see the trampoline had shifted about 2 ft. Surprised me as although it is large (13ft) it is heavy and offers little wind resistance.

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We had a fence panel come loose - one of the posts had rotted at the base so it moved a lot more under the wind. We had to be quick and careful in dismantling the damaged sections, as someone had parked right next to the fence, despite the fact that it was beginning to lean outwards at an alarming angle, :shock:


Then when I went up to the allotment, our compost bin lid had blown off. I eventually found it a couple of hundred yards away in the brambly area downwind of all the plots :)


On the plus side, we now have all the boards from the damaged section of the fence to use for various projects on our allotment :)

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We had incredible winds all night. So strong I thought it couldn't get any stronger - and then it did! Quite frightening really.


I woke up and was worrying about the eglus now that they don't have runs attached to them. Therefore they are no longer pegged down and I was worried they would be turned over with several hens asleep inside. Then I remembered the eglu run which I had built for a visitor and which we haven't taken down again. It was just sitting loose on the area where there should be grass. :roll: It had a winter shade on it and i was terribly concerned that it would have blown completely away. So at 04:30, we were out in the garden looking for it, only to find that it hadn't moved a millimetre. :roll::roll::lol: Oh well!

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just over a year ago we went away in the caravan on Dartmoor, little did we know the winds that night were 100mph :shock: I have never heard wind like it -I thought we were going to take off. Chooks were at home and I worried about them, came home and found the eglu's perfect - not moved at all! :D

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well its 0630am and i am up! couldnt sleep much because.......................WE ARE GETTING CHICKENS TODAY :lol::lol::lol:

we are leaving at 13.00 and its an hours drive. Need to get some wood chips on the way beacuse every where here had sold out yesterday as the wind had blown it all away. oh yes HAPPY MOTHERS DAY EVERYONE AND HAVE A GOOD DAY. :D:D:D:D:D:D

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