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Guest Penguinmad

Introducing My New Ex Batts

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Well we did only come back with three after all so maybe I'll get a bluebelle and a skyline soon......


There are in very nice condition, stood around the Eglu run mostly this afternoon looking bewildered, whilst my three girls squarked around them.


First up is Pickle - she has the least feathers with both a bald spot on her head and rather thin wings.



Next is Pumpkin, she is well feathered with just a bald spot on her head but has been the least active so far.



And finally Poppet, she has slightly darker feathers and has a little bald spot on her chest as well as on her head, she also seems to be the biggest of the three.



At bedtime I tried poking them into the Eglu with a broom (worked for me before!) but it was a foot too short so used it to scoot them towards the door and picked each of them up and popped them in through the egg port. Gave each of them a stroke too, they were very flappy. I've asked the anti-chicken not to let them out at daybreak as I want to lift them out one at a time again to get them used to being handled, 2 of my existing chickens NEVER let me pick them up so I'm determined this lot will be better.

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They do look in lovely condidtion - compared ot my existing girls they look a bit sorry for themselves but they weren't the worst there. Although the ones which were worse weren't terrible either. James picked them out!

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They are gorgeous Pengy! And lovely names 8)

It does make me sad though when I see how pale their little faces and combs and wattles are. Compared to that glowing red of our pampered garden hens. Looking forward to seeing them again in a few weeks when they have some colour back in their cheeks! :D

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They look bright eyed and inquisitve Poet.


You will work wonders with them.



:lol::lol::lol: must be cos I'm always on about battery chickens!



Nice one pengy, the anti chicken will be making them mash potato in no time ;)

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Hi Penguin mad, its Kim, we met at the rescue. great to see them beginning to enjoy the sunlight and wind in their feathers!!


I took 4 home today, 3 good ones and a little oven ready, amazingly the oven ready is the bravest and most inquizative of them all. M y 3 ex batts from last year were looking on from the cube and were making the strangest of noises! I'm not sure they are at all pleased with sharing THEIR garden with 4 more chooks!!


Keep us posted, its great to see them blossom.


BTW your son was gorgeous, especially with his special chicken T-shirt!!!! He was sooo excited, has he managed to calm down long enough to get some sleep this eve? :D

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He always calms down and sleeps well but the first thing he said this morning was "I wonder what the new chickens are doing".


So I got up and went down to pick them out - so they get used to being handled. I started with Pickle as she was sleeping in the nesting box. They kinda have the runs and BOY does it spread - got my fleece, both legs of my jammies and my bedsocks and crocs (I had the forsight NOT to go out in my brand new dressing gown!). I didn't fancy any more of that so I gave up and opened the Eglu door for the others. 10 mins later I went out and pushed them out of the door.


One of them laid an egg in the run, it didn't make it unfortunatly and luckily I could take the top off the Eglu and reach through to clear up the mess in case they ate it. Its a shame as we might have tempted James to have an eggy breakfast- he's right off them at the moment and of course Mum and I don't eat food so no eggs. Next weekend we will start selling eggs at the gate.

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