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Scotch Eggs

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Easy peasy, Sarah.


Serves 4


Hard boil 4 eggs and remove shells. Get some sausagemeat or skin some sausages and divide the meat up into 4 portions and flatten each portion out so that you can wrap each egg up in meat. Roll in breadcrumbs and bake in a preheated oven at 200C or GM5 for 30 minutes.




The sausagemeat shell sometimes cracks a bit but it doesn't spoil the taste.


Bantam eggs will probably make at least 8. Yum!

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Oh I wish I had read this earlier in the week :( I made some scotch eggs from an old recipe book and it said to fry them in hot oil, which I did, but the breadcrumbs started to blacken quite quickly so I took them out after say

5 minutes. I ate half of one and it tasted fine, but I started to feel really

ill later that day and spent Wednesday in bed with food poisining :evil: I suppose I had eaten raw sausagemeat :vom: I didn't realise you could bake them in the oven, I thought something weird would happen to the egg :roll:


Will try the baked version one day when I have forgotten how ill I felt :(



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I am sure you can use sosmix to make veggie scotch eggs.


I have bad memories of making scotch eggs at school because I am left handed and put a single oven glove on one hand and opened the oven door with it and took the tray out with the gloveless hand - VERY ouch :shock:


wish I could find my little book from school that I wrote down all the recipes in but it's been lost in house moves :(

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I don't suppose anyone has a veggie version for scotch eggs? DD has to make them in school when she goes back and doesn't want to use sausage meat.


Here is a reciepe for veggie scotch eggs I posted a while ago. I don't know how to do a link to it :( It is on page 7.


Cheesey Scotch Eggs


4 hard boiled eggs

225g (8oz) Scottish cheddar cheese

40g (1.5oz) flour

1 egg beaten

2 tablespoons milk


dried breadcrumbs to coat


Mix cheese, flour and seasoning

Add beaten egg and milk and beat well

Using wet hands, coat hard boiled egg in the cheese mixture

Coat with breadcrumbs and fry in deep fat for 5 -7 minutes

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I know it's a bit late, as you posted the question ages ago, but we sometimes buy scotch eggs from a company which comes to our local farmers market. They also do a range of vegetarian coatings, you could look at their web site for ideas: www.handmadescotcheggs.co.uk (unfortunately it's very expensive to buy them online due to the p&p). If you click on the online shop you can see the ones marked with a V, it might give you some ideas for coatings.


However, now that we have a surplus of eggs, I would like to make my own scotch eggs, so I'm going to try the recipe for cooking them in the oven.



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Right - I am making these tonight.


Breadcrumbs - do you all use nice fresh ones which I can do in a trice in my mini blender,or shop bought ones?

I thought I would add some parsley & thyme to the sausagemeat too, & maybe a dash of Worcestershire sauce :D


I bought one for Hubbys lunch at our local farmers market last week, & he really liked it. The lady kept Marans in her back garden 8)

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I made scotch eggs last night and was slightly concerned as they were about the size of tennis balls!! I used the oven method and have just had a text from my husband saying they are the nicest thind I've ever made. Am v happy! I don't like them, although it's more I really don't like the look of them so have never had them, so might try one of my own tonight!



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