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The "Strictly" girls are here!

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They are not very good photos...it was pouring with rain. I will try and take a couple more tomorrow.


The girls seem in good health, but their feathers aren't very special. I haven't decided yet which is Ola, or Flavia or Lilia.


Here are a couple of pics of the rescue. It was very busy so I didn't hang around. It was lovely to See Pam (Muppet81) and her OH Martin again.


Sorry not to have made it to the Victoria Tearooms. I couldn't find it. I drove round and round in ever decreasing circles....even with the Satnav.






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Where was that rescue ? In Sheffield?


I wish....no I had to schlepp to Haslingden near Blackburn.


I would get in touch again. **BHWT**


Looking at the map...Adele is the nearest rescue co-ordinator to you too! :lol:



Edited to correct hideous Typo.

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Lovely girlies - ours not in too bad a state either (considering) - will post piccy's soon. :D


Regarding the rescue's - whilst we were picking up our rescue girlies we were told that someone has volunteered to be a co-ordinator in Newcastle - so just waiting to find out when a rescue will take place nearer to us as we will most probably get some more girlies if we can get them closer to home

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Hello Eglutine and Scooby :D

It was nice to see you today. Sorry that things were pretty hectic and we did not get the chance to chat.

Eglutine, your ladies look really content. It is so lovely to see.

Thanks so much to you and Scooby for travelling so far today and giving those lucky girls an new start.




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Sorry not to have made it to the Victoria Tearooms. I couldn't find it. I drove round and round in ever decreasing circles....even with the Satnav.



We found the Victoria Cafe... eventually! Wondered where you'd got to :lol: Pleased that I met Susan (SLK69) there though, we had a cuppa and a chat with her before going to get our girlies. We didn't hang about getting our girlies either, but a lady did spot my Omlet t-shirt there and said her user name was Muppet (guessing that's Pam then), so at least I've said hello even if it was very brief! :D

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Hello Eglutine and Scooby :D

It was nice to see you today. Sorry that things were pretty hectic and we did not get the chance to chat.

Eglutine, your ladies look really content. It is so lovely to see.

Thanks so much to you and Scooby for travelling so far today and giving those lucky girls an new start.





Hi Pam apparently you can type much faster than me!


Thanks to you for helping us to get our lovely girlies :D

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We feel a bit embarrassed about being thanked :oops:

The main thank you goes to Adele who works so very hard for the BHWT and who organised not just todays rescue but also one on Wednesday.

So a huge vote of thanks to Adele, Pauline, Sarah and her Mum and to the other helpers (apologies, I did not get your names) who went with Adele and Sarah to actually collect the girls.

Phew! We feel a bit better now :)

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