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Ever had weird pregnancy food cravings?

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I'm just wondering if any one else out there has had really strong food cravings in pregnancy for a food that you normally hate or for weird food?


I HATE marmite, Even the smell of it has been known to make me gag but I absent mindedly licked some off my finger after giving my son his toast yesterday. Usually, I'd be racing to the bathroom to clean my teeth and get rid of the taste.. but not this time and today I'm going mad for the stuff :shock::roll:


Am I just weird or is this kind of thing normal?

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Perfectly normal I would say.


With DD1 I ate loads of boiled sweets and I don't have a sweet tooth, she does however have a very sweet tooth.

With DS I ate pounds of walnuts and I am not too fond of nuts as a rule and he hates them.

With DD2 I ate extra strong mints another thing I don't go for and she loves anything minty :lol:


Good luck with the pregnancy :D

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With Devon it was tinned tomatoes.

With Cleo it was Worcester sauce flavour crisps & Guinness 8)


Funny about the marmite. I used to hate it but I had Bronchitis a while back which totally blew my taste buds for a while. Since then I have loved it.


And since being on Weigh"Ooops, word censored!"chers,I have been eating pickled gherkins like they are going out of fashion. Proper pickley ones,none of this sweet & sour rubbish. Can't get enough of them. I have eaten a whole jar in one sitting. Just as well they are free of points!


And no, I an NOT pregnant :roll::lol:

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With Becca it was chips and curry sauce. ( the chip shop style stuff )

With David it was tomato ketchup and luncheon meat sandwiches :lol:


Neither of which I would normally even have in the house!


With becca I went off coffee with a vengeance - only started drinking it again after about 14 years. With David I went off tea as well so I lived on friut juice for 9 months!

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My daughter is now 10 but when I was pregnant with her all I craved was mince pies with a chunk of cucumber on top! They had to be eaten together. Her birthday is in October so it was a real hassle trying to find mince pies in the summer months. She likes cucumber but won't touch mince pies!! :lol:

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Actually, my Husband has just reminded me that when I was pregnant last time I emailed MacDonalds to complain that they had stopped selling vanilla milkshakes :oops: I'd forgotten.



So i guess I must have had cravings last time too but as least it was for something I like

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With my first it was strawberry milkshake and chocolate iced dognuts. With my second it was onions which I normally hate and cider. My mum managed to find a good alcohol free one which was a god send. With Daniel my LAST one it changed on a weekly basis so I would eat one food one week and something totally different the next.


Pregnancy is a weird thing, I'm glad to have done it but feel even better knowing I dont have to go through it again.


Snip went the scissors (under aneastetic of course)and that was him sorted :lol::lol::lol:



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With my second it was onions which I normally hate



I craved onions and rasperries with DD3 :D

With DD1 it was plain pasta with nothing but grated cheese.

With DD2 I craved the liquid white chalky stuff you can take to ease heartburn... cant have it in the house, it became a total addiction...

With DD4, I craved green things... avocado, broccoli and so on... and still raspberries... that was a very healthy pregnancy, till after baby was born and I had no time to do any proper cooking and we ended up living on pizza, chinese and indian take aways...

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My daughter is now 10 but when I was pregnant with her all I craved was mince pies with a chunk of cucumber on top!



That's the weirdest thing I've EVER heard!! :lol:


With my first it was raspberries, my second was cold toast and butter and my third (twins) was spam and ketchup sarnies but also I craved horror films!! :oops: I just loved being scared silly whereas normally I hate that sort of thing!

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Oops should have written raisin! With daughter I had forgotten little pickled gherkins. I also like crunching ice - not too good for the teeth though - it works for dieting - you are chewing and tiring out the jaws, but zero calories as far as I know - don't know what the limescale content adds!


Doctor asked if there was a history of twins in sister in laws family, answer was no, so doc said "there is now"! She encouraged my two to say hello to her tummy, and we all joined in. She asked me what was she having and I said "they wanted it to be a surprise" - I have felt guilty ever since - thought she was joking with the scan results! :shock:


Yes Virgin coke - father in law bought tons of the stuff because she said it was the best since sliced bread, and after the twins arrived, she hated it - said "what was I thinking - eeeewwwww"! "Ooops, word censored!"ody else liked it, so it was used as a mixer for their drinks - took about a year to get rid of it all. My parents in law like alcohol - a lot! OH is almost teetotal, Pimms = lemonade and a couple of drips of alcohol, one shandy and I have him in the palm of my hand! Sister in law never touches alcohol - hates the taste. :D

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