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Guest chookiehen

Bit of a rant...

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Sorry, but when did it become alright to come into soemones gardena nd nick things??!


Chookiehubbie scooted of to work late this morning on his motorbike, so didn't have time to re-attach the padlock to his chain, so at some point this morning someone has come into the garden and pinched it. They must have known it was there, and have been watching for an opportunity to get it when it hadn't been padlocked, and now I can't take my eyes off the back window, in case they come back.


I realise that it's not half as bad as getting your house broken into, and it could have been worse - they could have taken the chickens, but my garden is my space, and it just makes my blood boil to think that soemone thinks they have the right to come in to it without my permission.


I think I know who it was - there is a youngish (early 20's) guy who lives a few doors down - you know the type - lives with mum, hasn't worked or gone to school since we moved here, races up and down the streets and back lanes on an old dirt bike all day, ignored by the police because it's just not worth the hassle - I'm sure it's him. He's prime suspect for all the recent car vandalism, and was the person who knicked the boys slide out of the garden a couple of years ago.




Of course, this now means that Chookiehubbie will have to go out now and get a new chain, in case they took the chain to make it easier to take the bike tonight, and means he will have to work late to make up the time, not to mention the cost of a heavy duty bike chain......

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Thanks Annie - that would probably do the trick! The worst thing is, we recently lost our dog, Buster, who would have barked like crazy if anyone had tried that, or possibly attacked, if he had been outside.


We had not intended on replacing him, I'm just not a doggie person, but now I'm reconsidering!

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That's really awful. I'm so sorry.


How dare people just take things that aren't theirs. :evil::evil::evil::evil:


Our neighbour had some beautiful hanging baskets in her front garden and someone just took them in broad daylight. Another neighbour across the road challenged them and was told that my neighbour had told them to take them :!::!::!::!: What could they say to that :shock:

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I'm just glad the chickens were in their run, not out freeranging, as they left the back gate open when they came in, so I could have lost the girlies as well.

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So sorry Shona that is horrid :evil:


I had my keys pinched out of my pocket at the doctors once and to show how patient the little s**ts can be they saw me go to my mountain bike outside value then new about £700 realise I had lost my keys go back into the surgery to look then walked home to get the spares not thinking I was being followed. Got the spare bike key went back and it is still there and they tried to break in at 4.30am :twisted:

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Some people are just a complete waste of the planets resources in my opinion. A couple of weeks ago someone stole one of my Lavendar plants from my front garden, then two days later they ripped the other one to shreds and posted it through my letterbox. What could they possibly gain from that?

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I'm sorry to hear of your troubles Shona. I hope having a good old rant on here has helped eliviate some of your frustration. The sad thing, is that we all some sort of story along the same lines don't we.


Our neighbour had some beautiful hanging baskets in her front garden and someone just took them in broad daylight.


This happened to me once Debs, and it was the next door neighbours! they took my hanging baskets and hung them at the bottom of their garden right where I could see them. the worst bit was havng to wait until dark to climb over the fence and pinch them back :shock:

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What is it with neighbours :x I live here minding my own business but I have the same problem with not so little kids thinking it's OK to shin over a 6ft fence into my garden :x


I was in my bedroom a while ago ironing near the window. A ball came flying over nearly hitting the girls. Next thing an 18 year old lad just thought he would scale the fence to fetch it.


He didn't think to check if I was out first so got the shock of his life when I yelled out the window at him :shock:


I hate going away because of what they might do if I am not there. They pinched the gravel off of my drive last time :shock::shock:


Reported it to the police but nothing was done. Lad given a talking to but no apology from the Dad :x


Martin you sound a nice boy :D I think I would like you as a neighbour :D

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It beggars belief that some people really do seem to believe that they don't need to work for what they want..... helping themselves to someone elses property seems to be considered a better option :evil:

Last summer I had 3 solar lights stolen from my front drive.... they weren't especially valuable or anything, but they looked good, lit up the path and I liked them..... so did the theiving little **** who helped herself to them in the early hours of the morning. What she didn't realise is that I'm a light sleeper and sleep in the downstairs fron bedroom, so she disturbed me, and I managed to prevent her taking the whole set. Police searched the area for the car.... but they got away sadly :roll:

I hope Chookiehubbie gets another chain Shona... get that bike locked up again.

If you want a dog to repel all comers it seems that Mel is only too willing to offer out Minky... bottom biting is regularly threatened :shock: . Pity it's such a long journey :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Chookiehubbie stopped and got another chain after work, so the bike is locked up again, should we have any late night visitors.


We did phone the police, but they really aren't interested - if the bike went missing, then that would be a different story, although half the village got their tyres slashed one night last December, adn the police showed little interest till they realised all their cars outside the station had been done as well.....


Never mind, I popped out and got a HUGE box of wine, so am going to try and get through a large proportion of it tonight!



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Normally when this sort of petty theft and vandalism goes on in gardens, lots of other people up the street will have suffered as well. We get lots of this sort of thing from drunk students who live in our area. We've got a very informal resident's group for our street and have got local councillors and our Community Police Officer involved. Other streets in the area have done the same, and there have been some successes. The student/pub users situation is very sensitive where we live so the Police may be more proactive here than elsewhere, but one street had a mobile Police CCTV for long enough for the culprits to be caught and dealt with.


Maybe there are some ideas here that might work for other people.

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And you can always borrow Minky when he has finished biting the bottom of Buffies "jobsworth" groundsman :wink:

We seem to be quite lucky so far but I have a stone pig and a stone chook by the front door and would be really cross if someone took them :evil:

I actually had a friend who admitted that when the big supermarkets do some landscaping in their car parks they go and nick some of the newly planted shrubs for their garden :evil: they dont get it that its theft :evil:

It seems that people often have the attitude of "them over there have it. I want it. I will take it". rather than "them over there have it. I would like it. I will work hard / save to get one of my own"

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It can make you really angry, can't it. :evil: Unfortunately, I think we are seeing more and more examples of that sort of attitude. :(


I work hard in a job that I enjoy but is not particularly well-paid. I do it because I have to provide for myself and the children and the hours are quite convenient for my family. I wouldn't dream of taking anything that isn't mine and I hope I am setting a good example to my girls that we work for what we have. I would like them to grow up with a strong work ethic and they already know that it is not acceptable to take anyone else's belongings.

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But you see it everywhere: People feeding their children as they go around supermarkets with stuff from shelves, BEFORE they have paid. That's stealing!


At work, obviously, we have equipment for the children to use, and they use it abominably, steal it, break it, don't return it, waste it.


To them it is just "school equipment" and not really worth worrying about. Its because they have so much, they don't even stop to consider a humble pair of scissors, or a pile of card. :evil::evil:


Sorry, rant over! :lol: I feel better now!

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