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Meet my chick!

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Well, you'll think I'm crackers, but I use the pendulum method. You can buy a special magnet thing on a string, but I use a ring dangling on string. Hold above the birds head..if it goes round in circles...it's a girl, if it goes from side to side swinging..it's a boy. I hope I'm right..coz I've got 2 girlies ! :lol: See, told you, you'd think I'm nuts!!!


Boon, the partridge cochin is lovely coloured, sort of pale with brown stripes.



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In answer to when they start crowing, I had Frizzle bantams that crowed their little heads off at 9 weeks :shock: ..and were vicious too :evil: , and I've had a Buff Orp that didn't crow till 29 weeks (but I think that was because she/he had decided to change sex :roll: ). Generally they've started practising - a sort of croaky squawk - around 12 weeks with a full crow a week or two later.

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Bumble & Boon..makes them sound like a detective duo!!! The only eggs I'm still waiting for are the buff Wyandottes, all the others have hatched (sister doesn't really name hers until older tho).

The buff wyandotte eggs haven't wiggled since Sunday & are overdue by a day now. :( Yet these were originally the first eggs to wiggle. I'll give them until Friday, then my sister can do a mini autopsy on them...to see if they were fully developed. So sad, but I suppose that's nature & maybe they could have been cockerels! hmm, still hanging on to a bit of hope though. But very pleased with Bumble & Boon!!!

My sister got 2 Friesian fowl hatch last night at her end. One is very much smaller than the other. Tonight she is expecting 2 more & 12 Marans to hatch. I'm waiting to hear from her, when she gets in from work!

I must take more photos of Bumble & Boon & get them on here for all their chookie aunties to see.



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In answer to when they start crowing, I had Frizzle bantams that crowed their little heads off at 9 weeks :shock: ..and were vicious too :evil: , and I've had a Buff Orp that didn't crow till 29 weeks (but I think that was because she/he had decided to change sex :roll: ). Generally they've started practising - a sort of croaky squawk - around 12 weeks with a full crow a week or two later.


I've got a Buff Orpington s/he. I thought it was a girl (and so did my French Maran cockerel!) but now s/he's started to cook-a-doodle-doo... hasn't laid an egg yet... so we still don't know what s/he is!


I've looked 'under the bonnet' and I'm still none the wiser :oops: as it doesn't seem to be anything there... (Unlike Kingsley who's clearly a boy.).


I'm going to try the 'ring thing' first thing in the morning... although someone used to do it to me when I was pregnant and always assured me I was going to have a daughter... and I'm proud mum to two lovely boys! :roll:

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I noticed today that 'Boon the partridge cochin is starting to grow proper foot feathers already...and only 2 days old! You can see the tiny quills of the foot feathers, very comical. Bumble & Boon are now eating their chick crumbs & drinking perfectly...preening each other & doing the chicken one leg ballerina stretch thing!!! :roll: I can't believe how early they learn chicken antics. I wonder how long it will be before they do the left leg, right leg, step back - peck thingy???? :lol:

Totally gorgeous & love to be held in your hand, which is good for getting them tame.



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Hee hee - what age do they start clucking rather than cheeping?? And I have to ask, what age do they start crowing?!


I have a 9 week old Barnevelder and an 11 week old Cochin. Both girls (I hope :? ), and they are still cheeping. Not a cluck to be heard!! :)

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Hmm - I came in from my parents last night to find Boon trying to do an escape act!!! Boon flew up on top of the tddy bears head and wanted to see what was outside of the brooder. :roll: The little devil! So I tookthe teddy out. I shall be keeping a close eye on Boon, as I may need to put a mesh top on the brooder to stop any escaping! Never mind, in a few weeks, Boon will be too heavy for flying!

I'll take more photos later!



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In 3 weeks time, the new chicken house will be here & built, so they will be going in there, I'll block an area off and hang the heat lamp over it. But I bet they will be in & out of the area like I don't know what, when I walk out of the shed! :roll:

I need another heat lamp or 2, where is best to buy from. I want the decent large type ones.



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Thanks for that ! Well I've cleaned them out today, gosh what a mess lickle baby chicks can make in less than a week. Oh well, it didn't take long to clean the shavings. I've changed their water lid to the base off the water mushroom. The mushroom top can go on it in another couple of weeks, when they are used to it! But then, they will use that to escape! Bumble hasn't any feathers at all yet, but Boon has little foot feathers coming & wing feathers that look sort of Very dark with white laced tips!!! That could be the partridge colouring / pattern starting (girl) :?


Bless them, they are gorgeous!



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Here are my chicks Bumble (the Cobar) & Boon (the Partridge Cochin) One week old now!!!!


First we have Bumble (Cobar)





Next we have Boon (Partridge Cochin) - look at those wing feathers!





And finally playtime together in the brooder!




I hope I resized the pictures ok!!!!



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