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Did anyone watch?

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Last man standing?


Apparantly it was on BBC 1 recently. We had someone called Rajko Radovic from the programme in school today to take assembly and do some workshops (he sent all the middle aged female teachers swooning!) Here he is...






I have never watched it and was just wondering if it was worth watching cos apparantly repeats are on. From what i can gather it was about 6 western men of which Rajko was one, sent to various tribes in different countries to participate against the natives in the natives own 'sports' The kids thought he was VERY 8) He seemed nice, down to earth and very friendly.


Anyone seen it?

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I saw some of it, they were playing a sort of cricket game and one of them had really hurt his foot but still managed to win the game. They all kept chewing bettlenut and getting high too. It was interesting what I saw of it, if it was the same programme!?


He's not bad is he ;)

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I trust he wore a shirt :roll::lol: .


yes - he did... :cry: Actually, long hair isn't my thing either - though it was a gorgeous brown colour.


The headmistress said to my year 7 class - "do you know i've walked past the hall several times and i still haven't seen him take his shirt off" One of them pipes up - "Miss - we're only 11 - we don't need to hear that!"

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These posts are making me chuckle. Yes I saw the programme and was hooked! There was another absolutely gorgeous lad... I'll try to find a pic and you'll see what I mean. Of course I also watched it to learn a bit about the different indigenous cultures (that's what I said to Roger). Definitely worth watching.. when's it on?! J x

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I'm very jealous - the most glam guests that we every had visit our school was David Prowse (in his Green Cross Code man outfit) when I was in primary 7, and Sarah Jane and K9 from Dr Who (obviously!) when I was in P3, when I got a bit over excited and asked her for a signed autograph, instead of photograph... :roll::oops:

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We got David Wilkie (who I hear all the younger members shout) :lol:


I had my picture taken with him I was wearing the most hideous swim suit :oops:


It is impressive to see a proffesional swimmer doing his stuff though he dived in and went the entire 25M length of the pool underwater in about two strokes he could have gone further but the pool was just a standard size 8)

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Had the most gorgeous hockey player come to my last school to talk to the kids. Calum Giles - he participated in the olympics for the england team - think he even won a medal. Can't find a decent picture of him though... He even gave me his mobile number! :D Was much better looking then Rajko

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