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Hi eveyone - newbie first post

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Hi everone


This is my first posting - here goes!


My 2 lovely chooks finally arrived on 12/4/08. I had been pestering my OH for about 1 year :wink:


I wanted to say thanks to everyone on the forum for inspiring me as I was secretly looking at the posts virtually everday for the past 3 months - I found it becomes very addictive!!


I am now eagerly awaiting the first egg. Margot has started to crouch when I go near her, and is kicking the aubiose from the nest box - is this a sign of an egg on the way? I hope so!! :D


Thanks again


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Welcome to the forum, urban chick (presumably not to be confused with urbanchick, who I know has posted previously!)


Yes, it sounds as if Margot is getting ready to lay an egg. Hope you are ready to do the egg dance when it arrives!

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Hi munchkin. This forum is so great, loads of really friendly people and fab advice.


We too are awaiting our first egg (the girls are about 20 weeks) but they're not showing any of the characteristic signs yet.


We'd all love to see your girls! I managed to post some photos yesterday using photobucket. If I can do it, anyone can :D

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Welcome to the forum :lol: Hope you get your first egg soon - its always such fun!!

Still waiting for Queeny to lay us an egg, and I'm going away to Norfolk for a few days.... it'd be just my luck that she lays her first egg while I'm away :roll:

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