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little chickadee

Birthday present threats

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My 8 yr old daughter has been scheming for weeks with my husband about buying me a garden gnome for my birthday. She thinks it's absolutely hilarious (she does know I don't actually like garden gnomes!) My son is very very confused - he thought they were actually buying me a fishing Gnome that would catch fish for me because I like eating it!


They've just gone off shopping together giggling - so I don't know what to expect on Thursday!


Has anyone else had birthday present threats?

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:lol: I bet you do get a gnome....she wont be able to resist!! :lol:


I have a sneaking suspicion you might be right you know Chelsea - hopefully I'll get something else as well though!


I'm owed some chickens after the greyhound decided my chicken looked tasty (wouldn't hurt a bean, unless it's a rabbit, a deer, a pheasant or......... a chicken) Just not sorted it out yet.

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My son went to bed very excited and told me that the gnomes were only a joke (I think he had been instructed to tell me this!) He then told me that you can buy "paint your own" Gnomes, but wouldn't tell me where from because it was a secret :lol: Mmm I wonder What I'm getting tomorrow! Hopefully some well behaved children - that's all I ever want!

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my favourite film ever is Amelie and I've wanted a gnome since seeing the film but after endless searching on the web, I just can't find the right one :lol:

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Hmm which one to get, :think: not something I've considered! :lol:

I wonder if your chickens will squat dutifully every time they pass your gnome :lol: . (Hope you get one now :D ).

They would probably peck it to pieces, and knock it over :shock::lol:


I threaten to buy OH singing Christmas toys after he got a reindeer one and HATED it with a vengeance, it was so funny :!::lol:

It never made it home from his parents house. :!::shock:

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