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Luton Chooks

All three hens wiped out last night :(

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Stupidly left the run door open one too many times, even though the hen's area is fenced in and paid the price...


Woke up this morning to find all three hens dead, scattered around their pen. My first thought was fox but I'm not so sure now as they were pretty much intact except for all three missing their heads. I thought fox kills were supposed to be a lot more messy with more than likely one hen being taken? Apart from the feathers everywhere these seemed much more clean kills.


Does anybody have any idea what may have done this? Not that it really matters because the end result is the same.... :(


I'm just gutted. The hens were "my girls" and its amazing how attached you become. I'm going to clean everything up and get another three but it's not going to feel quite the same.



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Steve, what a horrible thing for you to find. So sorry about your girls. I have a friend who keeps chickens, turkeys and ducks on a smallholding - he says the fox always takes the head first and will then come back for the carcass so almost definitely a fox attack.

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Oh I'm so sorry to hear about this... It has not happened to us yet, but I do get nightmares about it at times, checking first thing in the morning that the chooks are fine...

Really sorry to hear about your loss, it is very upsetting to lose them like that :(

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Thanks everybody for the kind words and advice.


We're just going to get three more hens asap. So used to having the chooks around and although the rest of the family are gutted, I feel more upset because they really were my hens. They worshipped the ground I walked on to the point it became a running joke that they would here my voice and come legging it up the garden - especially Clarabel who was the original Omlet chook.


I hope I get the same rapport with the new ones...

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Sorry to hear about your hens - I just thought the fox got one of mine and I was gutted! (she just hid behind some shelving and I couldn't find her).


It's lovely when you get the tame ones that follow you and let you hug them.


I got a lovely Brahma just like that.


I hope your new ones are sweet and friendly too.




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