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Crooked Chicken

Shingles ?????

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Both my little darlings have come down with chicken pox today!!! Oh joy. So all our Easter plans of visiting relatives, delivering REAL easter eggs and home made cakes etc have been put on the back burner for now. Hey ho!!!


HOWEVER, although I have had chicken pox (so has my husband), I am feeling incredible itchy. I know you can't get chicken pox twice, so could it be shingles????? Anyone medical out there? Maybe its just physcosamatic (forgive spelling, I've had a couple of goblets of wine!)

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Do you have a rash?


I'm also pretty certain that if you get shingles, you only get it on one side, so is it confined to the left or right?


I seem to remember when my sons got chicken pox (or chicken POPS, as they called it), I itched for days - it's like when you hear the nit-nurse is coming!

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Both my little darlings have come down with chicken pox today!!!


HOWEVER, although I have had chicken pox (so has my husband), I am feeling incredible itchy. I know you can't get chicken pox twice, so could it be shingles????? Anyone medical out there? Maybe its just physcosamatic (forgive spelling, I've had a couple of goblets of wine!)

If you have had chicken pox you CANNOT catch it again. You CANNOT catch shingles from their chicken pox either.


When you have had chicken pox the virus is never completely removed from your body. It lays dorment in the coverings of the nerves. If you become run down or stressed in some way the dormant virus can take advantage of this and hey presto 'shingles' That is why it is usuall restricted to one area or nerve path on your body rather than all over like chicken pox.


I nice glass of wine may give you complete releif :D

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Hi, Firstly, very sorry to hear about the chickenpox, although at least it's better out of the way when young. Rotten for them & you too though, hope they recover quickly.

Secondly, you don't have shingles unless by extreme coincidence, as it is caused by a flare up of the dormant chickenpox virus in someone who's had it, therefore nothing to do with a child with it now. Except it being stressful looking after poorly children.


Most likely mind over matter, as I felt itchy just reading your post! Slight chance that you have "something" too, but you'll soon know by if it develops, but I really would try & forget that thought, you'll get yourself run down, and we don't want you unwell too! Think yourself well, it can honestly help the immune system, which needs help at a time like this.

So, big hug to you as Florence Nightingale, here's a cuppa, and try & do something for yourself, in between patient calls. Shame your Easter plans are spoilt, hope you have some quality time with the chickens tomorrow. :D

PS. Wish I didn't type slowly, LJ said it all while I was typing :lol:

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LJ, thanks, you beat me to it :)

Shingles is a reactivation of the herpes virus shed by an initial episode of chickenpox. It follows a specific nerve pathway, and therefore doesn't cross the midline... ie you get shingles on one side of the body only, and only in a limited area.

Shingles is most likely in those who are run down or frail.

It can be a very nasty infection though.

It doesn't sound to me as if you have shingles, I certainly hope not.... you'll need all yuor energy looking after poorly children.

Feet up, take a rest, and fingers crossed that it is psychosomatic :D

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:D Ah, but Chocchick, you've learnt lots of medical stuff here now. The things I've learnt on this forum!

Kaz! Ssssh! You're just exceptional! (As we tell you all the time :lol: ) The exception that proves the rule 8)

Did I pass the medical exam too then, KateA? :lol:

LSH had it when the boys did, 20 yrs ago! The 3 yr old was rough, the 1 year old suffered terribly, alternately floppy & fractious, and OH was completely delirious & unable to move, never usually ill. My friend's boys were ill at the same time, one a bit rough, the other barely 6 spots and happy. Funny how the same virus takes different people differently.

There part of my research thesis done :lol:

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Thanks peeps - I will rest easier tonight now (after another glass of wine me thinks).


Must all be in my head. I guess it was just seeing their spots appear from nowhere throughout today that has got me itching.


She won't rest easy now :(

whoops :oops:



Seriously-I'm sure it's nothing.

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The general rule is that you only get chickenpox once. Occasionally people do get it again, but usually that is if the first attack was very mild, especially if in a very young baby, something to do there with relying on Mum's immunity rather than building up their own properly. I've never heard before of anyone getting it 4 times.... Kaz, your sister is most definitely the exception that proves the rule :wink:

You can't get shingles until you have been exposed to the herpes virus introduced by chickenpox. After that because the virus lives in the nerve endings you can get shingles any number of times.

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Wow - that's a lot of times Kaz.


Sheila - I re-read yours. Yes, funny how different people suffer with the same virus. I had it when I was about 8 (10 or so spots), my husband had it when he was 13 - apparently he was so bad, he had to be carried around and had to wear dark glasses for a about three weeks!! 8)

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Poor things. I remember having it vividly, at 13, I thought I had escaped them. I had spots everywhere, and no matter how much my parents told me not to scratch them.....

My nephew had it when he was 2 and it didn't bother him at all. The only time he scratched was at night in bed, presumably when he got too warm.

I remember being given a bottle of Calomine lotion and some cotton wool balls in desperation by my mum and told to put it on every time I felt like scratching. I must have ended up looking like Mr Blobby! (Cue Shona....)

Hope your two don't suffer too much with it: Better to get it when young and clever of them to get it at the same time too!

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My daughter Cleo is prone to shingles & gets an attack about every 18 months.

Luckily it is not too severe & she can carry on as normal - just looks a bit speckly!

Strangely when she had chicken pox it was very mild :?


Apparantly if a child has had chicken pox,then shingles the shingles will get milder with every attack until it eventually goes altogether,& this is something that seems to be happeneing for us.

Shingles is not infectious,but it serves as a great way of keeping unwanted guests away :wink:


Maybe you have sympathy itching?

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