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Vote of thanks for the moderators

Vote of thanks for the moderators  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote of thanks for the moderators

    • Many thanks
    • Thanks
    • can't decide

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Now that the text thread is locked and maybe some sanity has returned.

hopefully everyone has recovered from PTTD post traumatic thread disorder :D


I for one would like to propose a vote of thanks to all the mods for all the advice and unseen work they do behind the scenes

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The number of time I've read on this forum the lines 'this is an amazing forum' 'I don't go in any other forums but this one is so friendly', and other similar comments, pays wonderful tribute to the work that goes into it...


I bet we'll go on seeing those lines repeated very regularly... :)

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lovely idea Treekeeper :D


I'm a pretty useless mod much of the time as real life has taken over for me to a massive extent recently so am simply not able to be around as much as I should right now (normal service will be resumed soon...... you have all been warned :shock::lol::lol::lol::lol: ). But my colleagues in the mod team do work very hard at trying to keep things running smoothly and to keep the forum a happy, friendly place. We're all different and of course there are differences of opinions and so on, it really is impossible to keep everyone happy all of the time, but the overwhelming remarks that I get are all about what a lovely, friendly place this is and I sincerely hope that we can keep it thast way.


Can I just add a special vote of thanks to Kate who as site admin has to stick her head above the parapet whenever there's dissension. She rarely makes unilateral decisions, things as discussed between as many mods as possible before difficult decisions are made and Kate always strives to be fair and reasonable, yet at the end of the day she's often the one that gets the flak. She puts in a lot of her own time without pay and often without thanks.


So, THANK YOU Kate (sorry about the shouting, but it's deliberately loud :wink: )

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At the risk of repeating myself ... (surely not!) :wink:


This is the ONLY forum I post on - even lurking on other forums (fora, to be really pedantic) has been enough to put me off. Rude, careless, sloppy and inaccurate posts are the least of it - frankly abusive and offensive posts in some cases.


I think the mods on here do a fantastic job, and long may they continue. Great poll, treekeeper.

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Of course it has to be 'many thanks' :D This forum is such a pleasant place to be, is moderated effeciently and politely. On the whole, everyone is willing to offer help, advice and a shoulder to cry on without judgement or criticism.

Well done Mods. for keeping up with the vast increase in posters and still maintaining the integrety of the forum. Keep up the good work, you're appreciated.

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Someone will have to tell us how we're doing as we can't see the poll results without voting ourselves.........which wouldn't be acceptable really :lol:

You can click on 'view results' underneath the poll options. :D

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