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Guest chookiehen

What do you listen to in the car?

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It depends really, both Rosie and I have eclectic music tastes, so it can be anything from Tom Jones, Italian opera through to Moby and Ibiza hard dance. Currently it's the Bee Gees :D

It's good to give the children access to a good range of music so they can make their own opinions.


I believe the Bee Gees are appearing at the Oundle Festival (Northamptonshire) in July. 8) I'm hoping to get the chance to go. :D

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Bee Gees are ace! 8)


I have just added Glen Campbell's Twenty Golden Greats to Harry's iPod. Debs is not impressed - but Galveston and Country Boy are big sing-a-long faves for me... If you ever feel road rage then you ought to try a bit of Glen... :lol:


Wichita lineman? fab!

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I'm not kidding but I think that The Goodies version of Wild Thing from the Christmas special episode "Goodies Rule O.K."* is probably the definitive version (and I'm not kidding - I really love their version)!

Aha, I can top trump that! I have a signed copy "To Sheila" of a cover by Simon Turner. I could listen to it over & over again (and did in late '70's).

Anyone heard of him? :lol:

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:lol: I didn't expect anyone to have heard of him, although he was famous briefly when was the title role in Tom Brown's School Days, and presumably had one record deal on the back of that.

He was good looking in a blond hair kind of way, but not my cup of tea. However, my brother knew him, friends with his landlady or something, and thought I'd be chuffed with the record. Which I was! :roll::lol:

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Aha, I can top trump that! I have a signed copy "To Sheila" of a cover by Simon Turner. I could listen to it over & over again (and did in late '70's).

Anyone heard of him? :lol:


Aha - my hubby can top trump that Sheila :wink: He was in the video for 'Happy' by Neds Atomic Dustbin, which was shown on MTV, and on the cover of Scumpups album.


anyone heard of those :?:lol::?:lol:

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