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Guest chookiehen

Pick a name!

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I'm really enjoying the thread Helen. It's a good topic of conversation. We like fairly traditional names and when we tell people we like John, we get a sort of 'non-reaction' from poeple, as if to say, plain old John! Not very exciting! I think it's a lovely little boy's name.


Darren has family in Wales so we've been down the Welsh route too....we just can't decide...so the more suggestions the better!

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Naming after Grandma's is a great idea! One of mine was called Rosina!

My strangely enough, two of my great grandmas were....Martha....not that I'm trying to put any pressure on you Gina! :wink:

My OH is a Jon. plain name, but flashy spelling. He loves his name.

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I was named after both my grans - Shona is gaelic for Jessica (or Jessie as my nana was called) and Margaret after my dads mum.


I loved the name Jessica growing up, and was always more than a little gutted that my parents opted for Shona instead. Until I married chookiehubbie that is, and I realised had it been Jessica, and not Shona, I would have become Jessie James.......

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If I had been a boy I would have ended up with the family name of Corneilius :shock:


My grandfather was shortened to Connie and my uncle calls himself Neil what would I have got :roll: Boy am I glad I was a girl :lol:


Mind you I was named after a Nun :?


I like traditional names spelled in a traditional way I am afraid (old fashioned me) :lol:


I would also go for something that can't be shortened it used to annoy me when my mother in law used to call my ex Dave I always had to bite my tongue because I wanted to say whay did you call him David then :oops:


I hate my name being shortened :evil:

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Martin - Darren teaches a young chap called BJ


chookiehubbies initials are BJ - caused him all kinds of trouble at school, apparantly.

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I struggled with names for Rosie as the ex vetoed most things that I liked :twisted: Also, I find that names always remind me of people I know with that name...sometimes not always nice! (I think that grd had this problem toowith his) As soon as I knew I was expecting a girl, she was Rosie Katherine Morgan T***** (Morgan is a family name on the non-Italian side). The boy alternative would've been Sam - I preferred Harry, but that was vetoed on the grounds that one of my ex-boyfrineds was a Harry :roll:

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