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Is it ok to use normal porridge oats?

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As above really, is it ok to give the chickens normal porridge oats made with warm water as i'm sure i read somewhere that oats were fine for chickens?


Know you can make it with their mash, but ours isn't the right sort of mash to do it and want to give them something warm in this ghastly downpour that we are having!!

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As above really, is it ok to give the chickens normal porridge oats made with warm water as i'm sure i read somewhere that oats were fine for chickens?


I put two soupspoonfuls of ordinary porridge rolled oats into a small saucepan, add 15 soupspoonfuls of water, bring to boil, cook for 7 minutes stirring all the time. Turn off heat, stir in one more soupspoonful of cold water and a handful of raisins/sultanas and leave to cool. If I am in a hurry, I cool it all faster by half-immersing the saucepan in the washing up bowl partly filled with cold water. Decant into treats bowl and serve - stand back so as not to be trampled in the rush. (My hens like to ride shotgun on the treats bowl, as it is lowered to the floor of the run.)


I sometimes mix in a teaspoon of probiotic yogurt or poultry spice, after I have put the porridge into the treats bowl.

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Gave then some this morning and they really liked it. Promptly got it all over there beaks....then tried to wipe them off on the floor like they do and ended up getting food, bedding, etc. stuck all over it!!! They did look very funny!


Will definately try adding some little goodies to it next time though.

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Gosh that's very precise, Hilda-and-Evadne! I just chuck oats in a pan and add water till it looks about right! raisins or sultanas go down well, too.


I don't usually bother with the treats bowl ... I just lob spoonfuls of porridge straight on to the ground.

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I do the same Olly. Oats in a dish, pour boiling water on them, quick stir and that's it :) Mine will eat pretty much anything if it's stirred into a bowl of porridge :)


When I was a child, just after the war, the lady next door kept chickens. All the neighbours would donate their veggie peelings etc., to her and she threw them all into an enormous pot which she kept simmering on her stove. This was what she fed to her chickens, which were very prolific layers, as she provided all the neighbours with eggs. No layers pellets in those days :)



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When I was a child, just after the war, the lady next door kept chickens. All the neighbours would donate their veggie peelings etc., to her and she threw them all into an enormous pot which she kept simmering on her stove. This was what she fed to her chickens, which were very prolific layers, as she provided all the neighbours with eggs. No layers pellets in those days :)




Did you live in Tottenham by any chance?

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