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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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Olly, last month I only used the disabled loo at work. We have one bloke with a dodgy hand but I've never seen him use that loo and I don't think there are any other disabled staff. Also if you were disabled, wheelchair bound or a little weak you could never use the one in the staffroom as the door is dodgy. To get it closed you have to hold the handle with both hands and then pull with all your weight behind it!


Of course any severely disabled staff would hate our staffroom, the seating area is up 4 stairs.

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Mine arrived yesterday! No problems using it (3 days into period) but I have had to cut virtually all the stem off - it was pretty uncomfortable until I did. I can still feel it constantly but I think that's a design fault in me rather than it :oops: . Will reserve judgement until I use it for a whole period but even though it's a bit uncomfortable (especially when standing up) it can't be any worse than tampons and pads. (Yet to try it for a step class or a run :? .)

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...but I have had to cut virtually all the stem off - iquote]

Yes, I did too Vicki, you don't even need a stem to use it. Last month was my 1st time and I felt quite aware of it the first day or two, then just didn't notice, it just settled down.

By then I felt incredibly liberated, I wish I'd discovered it before. I felt far less sluggish and felt quite efficient at using it by the end of the week.

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Hmm, don't know about that. I wouldn't have thought it would matter (but admit I don't know much about the op).


If you have it anyway, why don't you just try it out & see how you get on? Use it towards the end of a period - it's easier while you get the hang of it. I was a bit scared of mine when it arrived but you soon bung it in without thinking :wink: .

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The Omlet effect! 8)


Not again :roll: . Not as easy to recommend to people as a steamer however :lol: .



Oh....I don't know!


I've told people at work about them and certainly one colleague has bought one and liked it.


My sister and niece also have them.


Can't persuade my daughter though.


I wonder how many people Martin has recommended them to? He has admitted to lurking on this thread.


Well why not....its all part of life. :lol:

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Thanks everyone! :) I've Googled, and it seems that the endometriosis thing is a bit controversial (mainly because no-one really knows what causes it). Some sites (including Mooncup itself) say it is safe, but there appears to be a bit of a 'one man band' movement in the US saying it isn't. All the sites keep making comparisons between tampons and the Mooncup, but I gave up on tampons years ago, so it isn't relevant to me whether the Mooncup is safer for endo than tampons.


I wish I'd never bought it now - honestly didn't think about it until afterwards.

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Thanks everyone! :) I've Googled, and it seems that the endometriosis thing is a bit controversial (mainly because no-one really knows what causes it). Some sites (including Mooncup itself) say it is safe, but there appears to be a bit of a 'one man band' movement in the US saying it isn't. All the sites keep making comparisons between tampons and the Mooncup, but I gave up on tampons years ago, so it isn't relevant to me whether the Mooncup is safer for endo than tampons.


I wish I'd never bought it now - honestly didn't think about it until afterwards.


The Mooncup website says **this**.


I'd try it out.


No two people are the same.

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