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Chick crumb/Grower's pellets/Layers pellets

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I have just started my seven-week-old chicks off on growers' pellets mixed in with their chick crumbs.


The person who delivers my layers' pellets does not do growers' pellets, so I have bought a small bag from a local pet shop. But 5 kilos cost over £4, so I want to get the chicks weaned off the growers' pellets quickly.


What is the earliest age they can start layers' pellets? And how do people whose mother and chicks are in with other hens stop either the older or the younger hens eating the wrong pellets? And does it really matter?


And another related question: I am looking after my neighbours' hens as well at the moment, and they are feeding just chick crumbs to all of them. But I have read on the internet that the eggs of hens which are eating chick crumbs are toxic to humans. I can't really believe that: does anyone here know if there is any truth in it? Is it only when the crumbs contain a coccidostat that this is the case?

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We got 2 of our girls when they were 8/9 weeks old. We were told to keep them on Growers until 15 or 16 weeks old and not to hurry with the layers because of the protein levels being that bit higher.

I actually had them on a good quality mash and introduced them to pellets a little later on as they seemed to prefer this.


I have no idea about your first question though but I hope the above helps



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I have my chicks in with the big girls. I couldn't stop the hens eating the chick crumbs. In fact, they all seemed to prefer the crumbs! :roll:

I ate the eggs of the only chicken who was laying at the time, and I am still alive to tell the tale! 8) Surely, if it were that the eggs would be toxic, the crumbs would come with a big red warning label (wouldn't they???)

Now they are a bit bigger everyone is eating the growers! :? NOt sure whatis the earliest age to wean them onto layers pellets through. I would just follow the feeding instructions on the bag.

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Mine were on growers until they were about 22 / 23 weeks and one of them was almost laying. The breeder said to finish off the bag and then start them on layers. So I don't think it matters keeping them on a bit longer but the other way round, i.e. starting them on layers early I'm not sure, sorry.


I think they need the extra nutrients in the growers. But I have no idea if it would be very detrimental for them not to have them. Hopefully someone will be along soon that has had mixed ages.

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So does anyone know at what age you can start feeding chucks layers pellets then? I made a possible costly mistake of buying a 25kg bag from the site and my chucks are only 12-14weeks ish old (one is blushing....)


Are they to young to eat the pellets? it does say in capital letters 'for laying chickens' Should i just sell them on to someone else? (before they go out of date in october! really short date ppl!)

Somebody told me if you feed them layers pellets to early then the high calcium content will damage their leg growth!??

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I would try to sell your layers' pellets to someone. Or would the shop you bought them from exchange them if they are fairly new and unopened?


I've come to the conclusion that it is best to do things the proper way, even if it is more expensive.


My eight-week old chicks are now on grower's pellets (garnished with chick crumb to finish it off). In ten weeks' time I will start them on layers' pellets like the others, and life will be so much easier.

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Well I went to our breeder a couple of weeks ago and he said mine should be on growers by now (at 8 weeks) so I said he could ave my half full big bag of chick crumb and he said not to worry and to keep mixing it in as it was basically all the same stuff just different sizes? Yesterday ours were eating mash and pellets when they free ranged in the big girls run.


Mrs B (just to make things as clear as mud!)

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I shall sell the layers food on :)

I got it from Omlet but opened it before i realised they were probably not supposed to have it.... yay for the new chicken keeper who doesnt know that layers is on the bag for a reason ;)


Where do you all get your growers food from, they dont do it at omlet do they?


Thanks for your help peeps!

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I am paying nearly £1 a kilo: but it's the price you have to pay if you don't have a car.


It's only for three chicks for ten more weeks or so, so I can bear it.


My neighbours just use chick crumb and then go on to layers' pellets: perhaps most people do this? I would worry that by that age my hens would reject pellets.

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Wow this is an old post but a good question..I still can't work out from the answers here what to do with a mixed flock. If all the chickens are living together by 8 weeks, which I am definitely aiming at, how do you stop the hens from eating growers and the chicks from eating layers pellets (which sounds worse). What did they do in the 'old' days when the 2 types didn't exist?!



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I feed my mixed age flocks and all of my cockerels on growers pellets. In fact nearly all if my birds are fed growers pellets, I believe this keeps them in better condition though I do get less eggs


I believe that excess calcium in cockerels is not good and while there are usually no outward signs of problems I dont risk it personally. In livestock you find that feed suitable for females isn't always ok for males particularly in sheep - this seems logical so I bear this in mind when feeding my chickens

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Wow this is an old post but a good question..I still can't work out from the answers here what to do with a mixed flock. If all the chickens are living together by 8 weeks, which I am definitely aiming at, how do you stop the hens from eating growers and the chicks from eating layers pellets (which sounds worse). What did they do in the 'old' days when the 2 types didn't exist?!



I FR all my mob together chicks with broodies from a week old the only feed I take in is the medicated chick crumb to stop the laying hens from scoffing it. the chicks do eat a bit of the layers but as they only get to FR for a couple of hours some days I think their ok plus the little monsters are eating the leaves off of my OCA plants and spuds as well so they don't eat much layers

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So sip you are keeping the chicks in a different coop most of the day? When will you bring them all together full time?



yes I've got 4 coops in use at the moment the 8 week old growers are now 'motherless' has she's now gone back in with Boris's mob and I've got a broody with 2 -2 week old chicks in the broody coop that I'll move to the coop that the 3 growers are in and they'll be moved to No3 coop as they'll now cope with it been a raised coop

but as to when I add them to the layers mobs that I play by ear but normally after 18 weeks old unless they start to lay before I'll have to split the older ones up once the boys become a pest to the pullet but I think by then the 2 younger ones will be able to go in with her if indeed she's a she

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