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New Guinea

Thinking of getting some guinea pigs...

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I'd like to ask the guinea pig and guinlu owners for some advice. I've never kept guinea pigs before and I hope you can help.


Do you shut your guinea pigs in at night and let them out every day all year round?


How often do you move the eglu and run to allow the grass to recover?


What kind of bedding do you use?


Is the eglu worth the price compared with standard hutches? If so, why?


What items apart from the hay rack, water bottle and stainless steel treat bowl supplied by omlet do you provide your guinea pigs?


I would really appreciate answers to any of these questions or any other advice you can give me.

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Hi Sue, Oh go on their such fun !!


We bought ours back in Feb for my daughter but we get just as much fun out of them :roll: .


We always shut the guinlu at night you'll find they are in as it gets dark.

It was still quite cold in Feb so we put a small igloo inside the guinlu with lots of bedding (hay) as they eat this too. They tend not to come out so much if it's wet but they arn't bothered by the rain as long as they have somewhere sheltered to dry off.


We have a small area of grass and we move the guinlu weekly and then they have 2 weeks on the gravel just to make sure the grass recovers...in the winter they will probably spend more time on the gravel especially if its wet.(apparently they can become ill if their feet get wet and stay wet.


We use a sheet of news paper or two topped with wood chippings and some hay... the guinlu is very easy to clean out .


I would recomend the guinlu to anyone its easy to clean,easy to move, it's insulated so in hot weather it stays cool and in cold weather it keeps warm.



I just imagine that a wooden hutch although cheaper soaks up so much dampness ie. Wee !! it cant be nice. ( i just use vinegar to wipe round the tray inside as the guineas don't mind the smell of it.)


We create a little assault course of tubes and planks etc and somewhere to hide in the run as they like to duck under cover :roll:


But above all they are part of the family they love watching telly love a cuddle on the sofa and a little brush :D . For ease short haired guineas are the best long haired ones need daily grooming,they love fresh veg and some how seem to get the pick out of our weekly organic veg box :roll:


Handle them daily and they'll be your best friend :D


hope this helps Sue feel free to ask any other Q's our guineas are in the gallery have a look.


There are other good guinea advisers on this site too i expect they'll pipe up soon...

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:D I've never been an animal person, not having grown up with them, except one guinea. Now I have chickens in an Eglu, and have kept guineas for 20 years. I love them, and I would say they are the easiest pet, and very rewarding.

Although the Eglu is a lot of money initially, I think it would be worth it if I was starting out. We have had to replace the wooden hutches, I'm on my 3rd or 4th. I feel the Eglu would have lasted the 20 years easily.

Yes, soaked in damp is a problem with wood, which is the thing to avoid with Guineas, & the Eglu is so hygenic & easy to clean.

Oh dear, I want another Eglu & some more guineas now!

Mine always came in to watch TV & have a cuddle when OH wasn't looking.

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Thanks for your advice, Hannah and Sheila. I've considered keeping guinea pigs for some time but since I saw the eglu advertised and read all about them on the website, I'm really keen now! They seem very straightforward to clean and, as you say, no wood to get damp and smelly.


I will confess that I'm allergic to cats, dogs and horses so there's a good chance I'm allergic to guinea pigs too. To check this out, I went to a guinea pig show at the weekend and am really happy that I wasn't affected at all. The ease of cleaning the accommodation is key for me to limit any problems. I'm sure any allergy won't stop me cuddling them (it didn't stop me riding!)

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Yipee....now you can waste all your spare time cuddling guineas or on here chatting to us :lol:

..or both at the same time 8)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who used to go horse riding despite a horse allergy :oops:


You'll actually be one of the first with a guinlu as they are quite new.

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We've got our Guinlu and guinea pigs now! Billy and Autumn came from April Lodge guinea pig rescue centre in Sandwich:




Annalie is thrilled with them of course and we seem to have a constant stream of friends booked in over the next few days to come and see them.


Autumn has had a bit of a rough life to date so I hope we can make her happy. She seems to be getting more settled since their arrival on Thursday but it's early days.

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