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Poorly Hazel UPDATE ALL OK!!!

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One of my ex-bats is not well. :( She has been getting slower and slower on her feet over the last 2-3 weeks and is not eating as much as she used to.


I did notice that her legs were changing from creamy white to yellow and wondered if anyone else has experienced this before? One hen friend has told me that this is a sign of old age but she is no older than some of my other hens? :?


They have all been wormed and I regularly dust DE on them and around the run and cube so I am pretty sure it is not anything like lice or worms.

For the last two mornings she has been last out of the cube, will not make any effort to eat treats and spends most of her time huddled up with her eyes closed.


I have got an appointment with the vet this afternoon but would appreciate any thoughts from you guys please.

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Thanks ANH and Brown Clan - Not good news :(


Hazel has a temperature of 108 and has lost a lot of weight. He thinks she may have a tumor which is causing the weightloss and/or a problem with her circulation as her comb is turning blue.


She has had two shots of antibiotics and I have a 5 day oral dose to give her -although he was doubtful that she will see the weekend through. if she is still with us on Monday but with no improvement I think the kindest thing will be to let her go peacefully.


She is in the Eglu. but, it is within the main enclosure so she can still see her mates. She managed a small amount of potato mash and sweetcorn tonight but had settled in the nesting box by 8pm.


I'll keep you posted as the weekend goes on.


Goodnight all.

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Thanks everyone for the positive vibes - they seem to be working :)


Hazel is a bit perkier although not eating very much. I made her porridge with honey, sweetcorn and meal worms ( :vom: ) and she managed to pick out all the mealworms which I hope is a good sign. She freeranged with the rest of the group quite happily this evening and took herself back to the Eglu by 8.


If she continues to improve tomorrow I will see how she goes for the course of antibiotics before making any decisions.


Thanks again. G'nite all.

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Well, my patient seems to get better day by day. She has just had her last dose of antibiotics and is back in with the gang free-ranging (albeit a bit slow) around the garden.


I am going to take her back to the vet on friday morning for him to check her weight and temperature. Fingers crossed she has made agood recovery :pray:


Thanks everyone for the good vibes and support :clap:

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