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Tessa the Duchess

What can I put on a mouth ulcer?!

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Use salted water as a mouth wash or if it's really painful, I'd recommend a mouth wash called Oraldene which has an antiseptic and anaesthetic in it and really helped me when I got ulcers because of my braces (it's also fab for sore throats).


Hope it gets better soon, I know how annoying and painful they can be!

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That's the worst place to get an ulcer, really painful, and it takes longer to heal I think. 4 days now. I would guess that by Monday or Tuesday you'll suddenly remember that you had it and it'll have completely disappeared!


My dentist used to put Gentian Violet on my ulcers :?

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someone gave me something once for a mouth ulcer that sounded like it should be alcoholic but it wasn't!? I can't remember if it was called 'something' brandy??? anyone know? I think it's herbal?


it was great stuff!

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Bicarbonate of Soda is brilliant for mouth ulcers. It hurts like nothing else when you first put it on but within 10 seconds it is numb and drys them up really quickly.


Just put a tiny bit on a dish, wet the end of your finger and dip in it, then put it straight onto the ulcer.

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I use this weird paste stuff from the chemist,which dries onto the ulcer,so it stays on for ages & the medication really works well.

I think its called Orabase or something,& I really recommend it.


Poor you - mouth ulcers can be really painful. Hope it gets better soon.

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Poet were you thinking of clove oil? We used to sell it in the chemist many years ago, not sure if it's still available. But I think that was for toothache.


May be worth also taking a vitamin B supplement Laura - I used to get them years ago when taking exams, or if on antibiotics, and a doctor gave me this advice. It seemed to work as well. Was just going to say I haven't had a mouth ulcer for years, but just realised i have one now, in the same place as you :(

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I always use Fraydor available at the chemist it is a little vial of purple liquid (wonders if it could be gentian violet as per previous post :?: ) and some cotton buds you use to paint purple fraydor on hey presto immediate relief and dries them up or whatever they are soon gone.


One of those things passed from my Granny :) I have a sharp tooth which rubs and gives me one all the time or I bite myself :oops: Hope it feels better soon :)




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ouch! they are really painful aren't they - and then as someone above posted, you suddenly find it's gone!


It probably is down to stress, but when I had a real run of them my dental hygienist recommended eating a handful of nuts every day, I can't remember what particular thing they contain (zinc?) that is supposed to help.

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