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Windows Vista

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I expect loads of you have Vista but I have had to get a new computer to-day and am struggling with it - tell me it gets better.

My ancient computer would not connect to the new BT hub - too old but hubbies dell was ok so I went and bought a new laptop - love it but will take loads of getting used to. The vista operating system seems like a nightmare to me.

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I've got Vista and I really like it. I love the new feature where you can roll the mouse over one of the multiple window tabs and it shows you a minature version of the page so you can see what's what. Never had any problems with it (apart from completely having to wipe my computer last month but I don't think that had anything to do with Vista) My computer doesn't get on with Itunes very well either, but that doesn't really bother me.


Good luck

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I love Vista!


But that's because our dad only ever gave me and my sis his old comp when he bought a new one, he has XP and hasn't updated for a trillion year, we had 98 :(


Till he deicided we need a new comp with vista. :D


The whole unit is black and shiny and we're like 'can we even touch it'

It even has has widescreen now. I'm so happy :oops:



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I HATE Vista!! It tries to do things for you which I dont want it to do , and all the stuff I want to use is all hidden away somewhere. My children have it on their machines so I know how it works but it tries to be intuitive when for me its not! I Use XP on this machine and at work where I am a network manager - and I just can't stand hte second guessing. WE need a new machine soon though - this one is nearly 4 years old and various bits have dies so I guess I will have to get used to it though I may convert to a Mac :wink:

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I have vista and honestly I don't understand how it is much different to xp?

I mean start menu is there with the same folders, task bar, quick launch icons. what am i missing?

If you are not an administrator and you want to load/ delete/ change various stuff then its a pain as its always asking for passwords. If you want to get into the system stuff it is nowhere as easy to find, setting up a network/ adding network printers is so easy under XP - in Vista it is always trying to do things for you and if you want something different you can't find the folders like under the XP :evil:

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We had a real struggle finding downloads - we had to download flash when we got the new computer with vista. It downloaded ok but then we spent ages searching for it to install it.


But I do like the widgets. We have one which shows the phases of the moon each day. And the one which shows a continuous thumbnail slide show of all your photos is great - I keep seeing things I haven't looked at for a long time and always stop to have a look.



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Vista is the latest dumbing down from Microsoft.


Bring back DOS, everything was a MILLION TIMES quicker when you did it yourself.


I don't need a GUI - I can READ!


Of course James can't read and CAN use Vista.


'Nuff said really - Vista, the operating system for 6 year olds who can't read.

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