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Are you doing anything for Children in Need?

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I am donning a rather splendid purple curly "afro" wig, as we are having a bad hair day at my school today. I was going to dye my hair properly, but as I am going out to lunch tomorrow in London, thought that knowing my luck, it wouldn't wash out in time! :lol:


What are you all up to?

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Sadly as my 2 are in Senior School and 6th Form, they are not allowed to recognise any national charity days - Children in Need, Jean for Genes Day, Red Nose Day........... :(


Instead they have a Charity Week in February with lots of fun events and the proceeds go to a selection of Charity as chosen by the School and 6th Form Council :D

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We are having a non-uniform day and i hate it! We have to give in £1 to listen to other people mocking our outfits! Poo!! I am sat in ICT right now and because our teacher isn't here we have nothing to do. she has left us no work. How stupid is that! :roll::shock: I hate school!


At least i can come on here though!! Its one of the few 'forum' websites that slipped through the school computers! Yay!!



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:D Boys had non-uniform for 50p donation, and then the yr5 ran games for a small fee for the other year groups. I also painted "Pudsey style" bandages on their faces 8)


School I work at - non uniform, and various fundraising. The year 10s ( I think ) ran a hair and beauty salon, so alot of the girls could have their make-up, nails and hair done for an appropriate fee. :D

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We had a non-uniform day, and a rip off of the X-Factor at lunchtime, with pupils being the acts, and some teachers being the judges.


I've been to the events where all the cameras are for the last few years, but this year they changed the venue to Merry Hill shopping centre, which I can't get to!! :(

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