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Square Foot Gardening

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I'm relying on you :wink:


(It's Gina, using work PC, so not logged in)


No pressure then :shock:


Well, we should swop notes Kate. I'm ok on normal gardening, it's the veggies that throw me. I was chatting (somewhere on the forum) to Louise, I think it was, about how to stagger the veggies, as I couldn't quite understand how you didn't end up with 100 leeks to eat in a weekend, followed by 100 potatoes etc.....all at the same time.


We've just moved house - I might have mentioned this before! - and our garden is very mature, but very uncared for. I've done quite well moving things around and re-potting and I've even sculpted a huge bay tree that was totally overgrown into a nice ball - a first for me, and I'm over the moon.


It's a big job, the garden is massive, by our standards anyway. we've been clearing out the old stuff, but you turn our back for a second and the plants are back - roots must be deep deep deep...


So, I will keep you posted on my veggie ventures, and take pics of my progess.

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Hi everyone, I haven't been on the forum for a while as I have been busy in the garden and at college( we are also in the middle of a loft conversion as thus have the builders in!!). I am really taken with this sq. ft gardening idea and Mike has built me 3 beds which i have divided of into the said sq.feet with string and bamboo canes. So far so good..I have turnips, spinach, lettuce, carrots, land cress, basil, tomatoes etc all doing their thing in their squares and I am watering as weird Mel suggests with pails (well tub trugs) of water and a cup rather than spraying from above with a hose.

I have his original book and sq.ft. gardening for cash..simply because I saw it on A mazon not because I ntend to start a market garden!!


I am really enjoying it as I do feel in control and its easy to pop down and do a little bit without feeling overwhelmed. I have applied for an allottment but may just build some more raised beds if this lot works out ok.


How is everyone else getting on withit?

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Another tip for square foot gardening is a web site called garden boss where you can download a free months trial of a software package that helps you plan and organise your sq.ft beds. Its good fun and as i said its free!! I found it when I was looking at the official Square foot gardenng web site...theres loads of info there, it repeats a lot of what he says in the book.

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This all sounds great! - I think I'll give it a go too. Like Gina, I currently get an organic veggie box from a local farm and have done for a few yaers now but would love to start growing my own. My Mum & Dad always did so when we were kids and there's nothing like it.


This is only our second summer in our cottage and so far we have only tackled the ornamental side of things but I've got an extra little garden over the lane which I intend to start tackling now with a view to growing veg in there next year. My Dad has kindly offered to help and he only wants £2 a day for his petrol :D:D

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I have posted photos of the veg that Lauren and Jake picked today from their little plots. :D


They picked beans, a few peas, tomatoes, carrots and an onion each for them to give to Daddy!


The carrots are from the free seeds in GYO magazine - small and round.


Apart from these, they also helped dig about 5 lbs of potatoes, picked 3lb of plums, blackberries, gooseberries, green beans and a few peas.


Our sweetcorn is magnificent this year and we have about 70 cobs - most of which will probably be ready while we are away for the next two weeks :(:roll:

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