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Photos of our new girls!

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Meet Ruby the Rhode Island Red, Olive the Easter Egger and Lily the Welsummer... :mrgreen:


They are 5 weeks old.




















Olive's lovely green legs:










Her beautiful feathers:




Having had enough of her portrait session, she turns her back on the camera:




We love them!

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Thanks for the kind words everyone!


...Who's the David Bailey then? BeckyBoo


:anxious: Hmmmmm...I hate to admit that I don't know what you mean! Is he a photographer? Sorry!


Love Lilly, has she really got blue eyes?


Yes, aren't they great?


fabulous pics! Bet you have a posh camera eh? :D


Yes, I do have an OK camera...and a bit of practice with it although I'm more used to wrangling brides and grooms rather than chickens. :shock: There are some people photos here if anyone is interested: http://www.kathymartin.blogspot.com/.


Thanks again for looking!

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Lovely chook pics, Kathy! They are very sweet. Love the 'bump' photos on your blog too: I have one of a similar size and was thinking it would be fun to record it for posterity, somehow (I was thinking of perching a chicken on top of it...).


I would LOVE to see this!



And thanks again for the kind words everyone. :)

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Amazing pics on your site.......Caiden's birth story gave me a little tear in my eye. and when I saw the headline Angelina and Brad I thought you'd bagged yourself some very famous customers :lol:


:D I am soooo out of the pop culture loop that I never even made the "Angelina and Brad" connection until well after their wedding when a friend really laughed and pointed it out to me. :oops:


OK, this is David Bailey right???




Yes, I am out of the loop. :doh:

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