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Fox Attack - Wing Pulled Off

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Hi All


One of our new hens - Babs - had her left wing totally pulled off by a fox in the early hours of this morning.


We always lock them in, but this was the second night we had left the door open as my husband thought that given the earlier sunrise it was fairer to leave the Eglu door open.


The fox grabbed her through the Eglu run it would seem.


She is eating drinking and actually quite happy; but we are really concerned.


We've sprayed the wound with purple violet spray and bandaged her up to stop her pecking at the wound. We also gave her Rescue Remedy and arnica.


She is sleeping now - but what else can I do?


Will she have to be put down? My daughter would be heart broken as would I. She is the most adorable and friendly hen.


Got a massive wedding tomorrow of close family friend - and totally stressed out about poor Babs, but want to do the best we can for her.


Any advice would be gratefully received.


Take care

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If she is eating and drinking OK I suspect that it won't be the entire wing that has been lost ( to take the whole wing from the base would sever major arteries and I woud have thought to fairly rapid death. I agree with ANH, a trip to the vet is called for :(


I do hope she will be OK as she sounds such a lovely hen :pray:

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Crikey. Think I would be shutting them in at dusk if I were you.


Looking at your signature it would seem you have a keen fox with a big appetite.

the fox will just keep coming back!

Poor chooky did you get her to the vets?

How on earth did he grab her throught the run? the wire isn't big enough for a wing to get through?

was the door to the run open or something.?

sounds awful,

how is she today?

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Sorry to hear about the attack. is her wing totally gone? :shock:


I agree with the others, it is safer seeing as you have a fox problem to be shutting the hens in at night. The eglu is not fox proof if the door is open. Better to be shut in safe, & alive than be worried what your girls might think of you shutting the door!


She sounds like she will need vetinerary attention, fox teeth are riddled with harmful bacteria so antibiotics will prevent infection, the vet can also clean the wound and see if it needs stitches.


I hope she's ok. :pray:

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If she is eating and drinking OK I suspect that it won't be the entire wing that has been lost ( to take the whole wing from the base would sever major arteries and I woud have thought to fairly rapid death. I agree with ANH, a trip to the vet is called for :(


I do hope she will be OK as she sounds such a lovely hen :pray:


I read in Pam Ayres book "Surgically Enhanced" that one of her bantams had its wing completely torn off by a fox and was behaving normally. She didn't notice it until the chicken turned around! So, it would seem it is possible although how, through the mesh of a run, I don't know!?


Pam Ayres chicken had to be PTS :(

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no news is good news..right? :(


sorry but quote from one of my favourite authors:


"Of all the ridiculous expressions people use--and people use a great many ridiculous expressions--one of the most ridiculous is "No news is good news." "No news is good news" simply means that if you don't hear from someone, everything is probably fine, and you can see at once why this expression makes such little sense, because everything being fine is only one of many, many reasons why someone may not contact you. Perhaps they are tied up. Maybe they are surrounded by fierce weasels, or perhaps they are wedged tightly between two refrigerators and cannot get themselves out. The expression might as well be changed to "no news is bad news," except that people may not be able to contact you because they have just been crowned king or are competing in a gymnastics tournament. The point is that there is no way to know why someone has not contacted you, until they contact you and explain themselves. For this reason, the sensible expression would be "no news is no news," except that it is so obvious that it is hardly an expression at all". - Lemony Snicket




basicallty we're gonna have to stay in our suspenders :(


Hope she's okay. :pray:


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