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Introducing two new cats to one existing cat.....PICTURES!!

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......well, you know what it's like, people kind of work out that you're a bit animal mad they tend to kind of come to you with all the animals that they can't find homes for...... :? So today at work a friend of a friend has had to move into a flat and apparently her two cats are miserable so, very reluctantly she's rehoming them. A long haired ginger mum aged 4 1/2 and her son also ginger aged 3 1/2. Well I've always had a bit of a soft spot for ginger cats, and I always used to have more than one so I kind of seem to have ended up saying yes to both :oops: So now we come to it, I have Frank who is a big fat ferocious tabby boy who hunts things and kills things and drags their remains home to show me how clever he is and I'm wondering the best way to do the introductions and still have a house left..... :D

The two newbies will be confined to my bedroom to start with, then I was planning on letting them into the rest of the house for various amounts of time when the dog and Frank are out. Shutting them downstairs during the night so Frank can resume his rightful place sleeping between my feet (if he's stil talking to me by then :roll: ) Then gradually introducing the dog as she's easiest to have some control over and then eventually just sort of letting the mogs get on with it whilst breaking up any real fisticuffs!


Anyone have any other handy hints and advice? Introducing new pets is something I always find stressful but I'm happy to perservere



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sounds the right approach - that way they'll get used to the smell of each other before they come face-to-face. And don't force confrontation, when they do get to know each other feed them separately so there's no territory issues at first. It's a bit like chicken introductions, take it slowly!


how lovely. I've never had a ginger cat (and they'll go so well with your red hair ... :wink: )

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Sounds like you've got the right idea. You can do a lot of sharing of scents by moving bedding between them all and by stroking them and then moving on to stroke the other(s). You might also like to try feeding them separately when they are all allowed the run of the house together as feeding time can be fractious. Can also be useful to let them see each other without being able to get to each other - some sort of 'gate' across a doorway or even a pen can be useful.



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As far as I understand male cats tend to be more laid back than female cats. When we first moved to Cheltenham we lived in a flat with a strict no pets rule. I had a lovely velvet black cat who adopted me when her original owners in the flat opposite me in Chester did a runner from the police. I asked my grandparents if they would take her in, they had 2 male black cats and they were always fine with her. She was the one with the problem, from the moment I opened the basket she swore, and she was always aloof from them. She was probably in a fairly bad mood because she had just endured a 3 hour train journey with me. She lived with them for about 10 years and was much happier when the male cats passed on.


Good luck with the new arrivals and don't forget pics. :D

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Boy cats are more laid back, my girly cats are always the problem with new cats. Feliway and lots of exciting food will help. I run a distraction game with new cats, feeding them near each other with things that they're not normally allowed to have, like chicken and tuna. They forget to hiss then. Playing with new cat near old cat, or vice versa, is also good.

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OMG, they are SO beautiful! Lulu is a rather large lady :D she is light ginger with white paws, a white bib and a white spot on her tail (she may have to go on a bit of a diet to be honest) and Freddie is a semi long haired dark ginger boy. She is SO confident, already exploring the upstairs, has had cuddles and playtime, he is more reserved (mind you, three excited shrieking children would make any cat a little nervous! Obviously I've got NO hope of getting the children to bed, so I'm off upstairs with the camera to see if I can get a snapshot or two. (I've already had to pull a chest of drawers out where Fred got behind it and couldn't get out again! :roll: Then Lulu climbed into the chest of drawers before I'd put it back together again......it's going to be a long night!




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Well an update, Frank has not taken to our new arrivals particularly well! But then I didn't expect him to to be honest and it's still early days. Freddie and Lulu have both found favourite sleeping places - Freddie on top of my wardrobe so I have put a duvet cover up there for him to sleep on, Lulu on Georgias top bunk. They are confident and friendly around me and the two girls, Harrison is still a bit boisterous for them :roll: and Delilah is beside herself trying to say hello! She's been SO good, I took her to meet them and got her to sit in my bedroom (she's not normally allowed upstairs so it was a bit of a treat!) and the cats sat hissing and spitting on the other side of the room, but we're got her closer and closer and they can already tolerate her sitting near them without them making a fuss. BUT as soon as she moves, they're off!

Like I said, early days, Freddie has gone out for the second time, Lulu is still confined upstairs (her choice) the only down side is that at the minute they're virtually nocturnal, which would be fine if they weren't virtually living in my bedroom! :roll::D



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