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A day of mixed emotions

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Today has been a strange day, one of mixed emotions


Bella was finally put to sleep this morning, having been with the avian vet since 8am on Tuesday morning. She was still bright and alert and running around their run but her crop stasis was refusing to improve and her weight was dropping. They had tried various things but I felt it best she went now and peacefully before she really started to suffer and the vet agreed. She was only 2 and a half, but we think that maybe she was never quite right as she had always had very squitty poos from day one and her moult took forever. Lifeguard seemed to keep her in good health and the vet said she was a big girl in beautiful condition but in the end her body was failing her and it was time to let her go :( . She had a lot if sparkle and the run looks rather empty without her. I think we are going to be hit with a massive bill - it isn't our normal veterinary surgery as our vet has broken her collarbone and I am not impressed with the locum at all, but I guess that is all part of it. Personally I wish they had decided earlier to let her go as I don't like to think of her undergoing unnecessary treatment but at least we know that nothing more could be done.


However an hour after Bella passed, our Barnvelder, Darth, laid her first egg - a beautiful dark brown and a whopping 64g (for a 1st egg!). She laid it in the middle of the run so that we saw it immediately! Mayhem, the Aracauna has been laying beautiful blue eggs for the last couple of weeks. Then Tallulah, my Silkie did me the honour of crouching! Considering how poorly the newbies all were when we bought them we are so pleased that any of them are even considering laying! :D


And finally, all the chooks, new and old, have been free-ranging side by side, separated by some glamorous bright orange safety mesh, for the last 4 or 5 weeks. Today we decided to let them all mingle and it was far less painful than we could ever have imagined - and this is our our 4th time of introducing hens to the flock. Pumpkin and Milly, as usual, wanted to try and re3mind everybody that although they are near the bottom of the flock they sure as hell are going to be higher up the ranks than the new girls, but were still fairly well mannered. I am also almost certain that Tallulah owns an invisibility cloak - she seems to be able to just wander freely without barely a second glance, amongst both flocks, and she was the one I was worried would be most bullied. In fact she is quite feisty and will stand up to anybody :roll:. We are both on leave until the 20th so hopefully we can start to work towards putting them altogether in the big walk in run.

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Sorry about Bella but you gave all that was humanely available.


I dont think some vets these days actually make the decision for you now(ie in the past they would have recommended to put an animal down...I gotta feeling they dont do that any more).

But sounds like u gave Bella a great life and kindest departure.


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thanks everybody for your kind words.


Indie - I think you may be right, although my normal vet calls a spade a spade and I respect her for that. I did say to them on Tuesday that I felt it may be best to let her go but they were quite insistent that there were a few things that should be tried first. Still, she had a good and spoilt life and got to enjoy some spring days with sunshine on her back before being PTS. Her last day was spent running around the veterinary garden which is nice to know. Ruby, her partner in crime, is missing her though.

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thanks everybody for your kind words.


Still, she had a good and spoilt life and got to enjoy some spring days with sunshine on her back before being PTS. Her last day was spent running around the veterinary garden which is nice to know. Ruby, her partner in crime, is missing her though.

it is sas the way they miss their friend isn't it. Greedy is feeling off due to a softeee(we had some and it better be). but today she is calling for her proper friend. She went la Sunday wonder how long they miss them for?

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Hi honey, sorry again to hear about Bella. She was happy, hefty girl as I remember from our last visit! Glad the noobs are doing so well ( although trust my Pumpkin to take it upon herself to keep order ;) )


Kisses to Art and Tallulah for me. See you Weds!


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