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Classic Sweets

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Does anyone remember the Alpine man? Used to deliver fizzy pop in big bottles that you washed and gave him back the following week? Or Tudor crisps.


One advert that has stuck in my mind from when I was little was for a chocoate bar called a Swisskit, the tag line was "I'll risk it for a Swisskit" and the ads were all skiing scenes. By the time I was old enough to go to the shop on my own they didn't make them any more. :?

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This is showing my age :oops: I remember buying a Cadbury bar of chocolate with an old penny! I also use to make jelly tot soup!Ahhhh, those were the days. Maybe we could remember old toys next. Anyone remember pipa dolls?


I remember Pippa dolls! I had rather a lot. Do you remember collecting the petals on the backs of the packs which you saved up until you'd got enough to send off for another doll? I had the Pippa apartment too - groovy!!


Back to sweets - I LOVE Parma Violets! Scrummy! I used to feel very sophisticated "smoking" sweet cigarettes when I was 8 or 9 :roll: ! My favourite was Mint Cracknell bars though. Oh they were lovely!!


Swisskit? That's so weird! I only said "I'll risk it for a Swisskit" the other day!


Do you remember the advert for milk with "Humphrey's" in :lol::lol: ? "Watch out! Watch out! There's a Humphrey about!"

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Does anyone remember the Alpine man? Used to deliver fizzy pop in big bottles that you washed and gave him back the following week?


In our last house, we had a 'juice man' who came round once a week in a milk float kind of lorry, and you got 5 bottles of juice for £2 - £1.50 if you returned last weeks bottles. We got juice for a couple of weeks, but we're not really fizzy juice drinkers so we decided to stop getting it - I was working, so I got my sister-in-law to tell him we wouldn't be needing any more juice. He turned round and said 'tell your MUM I'll have to hear it from her, as she's the one who pays the money'.


I was 25 at the time, sis-in-law was 19.



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I'm sure you can still get alot of these old fashioned sweets like Mojo and Blackjacks (oh and drumsticks!) at Makro!


My uncle Eddie still delivers to shops in his van and he sells the jar sweets and things. I always remeber going to their house and going into the shed at the back of the garden where the stock was with a huge paper bag. WE used to open the jars and take a few of everything (this was in the days when they weren't sealed with plastic on the top!)


AH Happy days


I cant remember what these sweet dispensers where that were "tacs" or something - the sweets were in little packets and they had novelty dispensers where you'd tip the top back (a dog dispenser - you'd pull the head back) and a sweetie came out. It's driving me mad now.


I'm 26 and now reminiscing about my childhood!!




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I cant remember what these sweet dispensers where that were "tacs" or something - the sweets were in little packets and they had novelty dispensers where you'd tip the top back (a dog dispenser - you'd pull the head back) and a sweetie came out. It's driving me mad now.xx




You can still get them - Santa brought the boys one each for Christmas last year. Can't for the life of me remember what they are called though..


I'll have a think.....



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Ok, along the same lines. Who else was a lucky child whose parents had a sodastream? :D

And who's going to admit to keeping on pressing that button to get the fizziest drinks ever..... :oops: Did quite a lot of damage to our kitchen and was banned from making my own fizzy drinks ever again.... :oops:


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