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Aaarrrgh!! im fed up with this weather!!

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I hope it clears up by next week mandy,


I have bought LOADS (and i mean loads) :shock: of sweets for halloween - we always go over the top and decorate our house/porch/garden with tombstones/skulls/spiders/pumpkins and even a CD this year with scary sounds to play in the hall when we open the door.


last year we had over 50 children :shock: to the door (I make up individual sweet bags), so god help me if its wet - im on a diet and do not want to be eating couldron's full of sweets in the RAIN :evil::evil:


bonfire night is also a favourite with me...so the rain will spoil that too :(

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Fingers crossed Chelsea, sounds like you do a fantastic job. We don't get alot of callers, just a few who know where my husband lives.( he works at the local school) I said I would do a sun dance for Martin, as hes in Cornwall this week, look where that got me!Oh well its all in the lap of the gods, as my mum use to say.

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Very scary weather here at the moment :shock:


Huge gusts of wind and rain. Part of the chicken run roof has blown away and the plastic roofing is flapping about. Chickens went to roost at 3pm.

My back door is north facing, and the wind is so strong I couldn't open it to let the dogs out for a wee (not that would have gone out :roll: ) I am carrying a torch with me as the lights keep flashing :shock: I don't think I will have a greenhouse tomorrow, or a fence :shock:


When I got home today I could taste sea spray in the rain :shock:

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OK, now it is getting frightening!


A sheet of corrugated plastic from the run flew over the house and landed in the street. I battled with the back door, got the sheet back and as I came into the back garden with the sheeting the greenhouse door flew down the garden and knocked me over :shock::(


I have lit candles as the power goes off for a few seconds and then comes back on again

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Ali, it's horrific down here as well - the door has been blown off my greenhouse, various bits of garden stuff are being blown about, and all the empty wheelie-bins have been blown over in the street (bin day today).


Our lights are flickering on and off as well, it's really gusty, and now I'm sitting here waiting on chookiehubbies safe arrival home - he's on a motorbike, and windy days like this make me sick with worry. :(


Hope this storm passes soon.

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Got my fingers crossed for Chookiehubbies safe arrival home :D My family are out as well and the roads around here are atrocious(sp)


Eventually managed to get the dogs out as they were desperate :wink: Poor Archie only weighs 3lbs and the wind knocked him over and he couldn't get back up :( At least they did what they had to do and I won't have to mop up any little accidents :D

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Ali & Shona, your weather sounds dreadful, and very, very scary. I hope it blows over very soon and that there's no real damage done by the storms.

Do take care both of you, and your friends and families.


Bizarrely we've just had a glorious day weather wise down here, warm sunshine 18 degrees apparently and I spent the day in the garden in a t-shirt. Several loads of washing done and dried.... yet more ironing now :roll: It's been so warm that we've not put the central heating on yet :shock: Absolutely unbelievable.... but I'm not complaining that the rain seems to have dried up for now :D

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Yes lovely here today as well :D cleaned rabbits out, moved the rablu, also bought some small paving stones to put in corners of run to try and stop them digging, put some near rablu door as well, getting rather boggy.I did put the garden furniture away as well :( moved all the solar lights around , tidied greenhouse and swept everywhere! all in all a very productive day. Just waiting now for the next spell of rain :x:x:x ps, I do hope you are ok up in Scotland, not nice :cry:

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It has been very windy and rainy here today, not as bad as Scotland but the chooks have been blown sideways and the trampoline lifted up, needless to say I lit the fire and stayed in doors..............Hope everybody is OK and that Chookiehubbie managed the journey home on his motorbike and that the door on the greenhouse can be fixed.......

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Hope you guys north of the border are ok. Batten down the hatches and wait for the storm to pass.OH is having nightmares with the mobile phone network up there, which is apparently, now almost non existant, and hasn't come home yet, as he and his engineers are still trying to sort it out for you all... must be very bad.....

Hope you are all ok?

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Well, we survived! Chookiehubbie appeared home slightly later than usual, so I have no nails left by the time he got in! The greenhouse lost it's door, but the rest of it is intact, and the chickens went to their beds early, so they were locked in during the worst of the weather. Even Tigger just sat at the cat flap staring out at the weather, and didn't venture out all evening!


All seems calm this morning, so if the rain stays off, then I'll be in the garden clearing up the mess!

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Ali, hope everything is OK up there with you - from what I've heard on the radio this morning, you may well have actually lost power.


Fingers crossed that you didn;t!

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All is calm :D


The greenhouse is minus a door, the chicken run minus some roofing panels. The house roof lost a couple of slates.


The Village I live in actually had power but others around about lost power from early yesterday evening until this morning.


I couldn't stay in the house by myself Thursday evening , I was so scared :shock: Rounded up the dogs and headed off inland where the weather wasn't so bad :lol: Mooched around Tescos for an hour. I returned home just before the rest of the family.


Getting to work was tricky as many roads were blocked due to fallen trees. The School where I worked had many trees down.


Sadly a fishing boat was reported missing. I live in a fishing community so many people are very upset :(

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