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Eye test!

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I'm having my eyes tested in a couple of weeks :shock: Its 27 years since I last had an eye test :shock: so I'm half expecting him to say I need glasses, not too worried as you can get some very trendy specs these days :) any of you recently been told that you need glasses? I know its no great deal ,but never having worn them it will be strange, unless I don,t need them!

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I didn't notice I needed reading glasses 3 years ago and could still read small print but started to take anything with really small print to the window :?


It wasn't until the end of my test - when I felt I'd be sent off without glasses (because I was still reading paperbacks in bed with no problem) - that the optician said "how about this then - can you read the small print again"


WOW!!!!!! - it was really sharp :D


I still manage without them but come unstuck with menus in dimly lit restaurants and have to have the menu read out to me by Carl :roll: - or in Church when I forget which week it is and we use the BCP - very small print :?


I need to go for another test because now I think I'm close to needing glasses for driving :?

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I have been wearing glasses since I was 14 and since 19 have had lenses and glasses for the odd day I fancy a break,


my eldest daughter has been wearing glasses since she was 10, so you can imagine my reaction when OH needed some only for reading, and was throwing the equivalent of a hissy fit in the optician :evil: , whilst I helped Ellie choose her new frames.


He seemed really surprised that he needed glasses, and even said 'Ididn't think I'd need to wear glasses' as if he was something special :roll:


I felt torn trying to make Ellie feel positive about wearing them and him being childish about it :shock:


men :roll::wink:


karen x

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I had an eye test last week. Was supposed to be picking the new ones up on Tuesday. However the lenses were too thick for the frames and they had to be send back and re done. This means I won't get them till next Tues. Problem with my old ones is that they had got corroded and the nose rests were going green! :roll:

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Problem with my old ones is that they had got corroded and the nose rests were going green! :roll:


Probably about time you replaced them I reckon!!! We had to persuade my Dad to get new ones as he was doing a bit of a Jack Duckworth and his glasses were held together with tape and fuse wire :roll::roll:


I've been wearing glasses since I was 12 or 13 for distance vision and at the time I was the only one in the family to need glasses. It was a bit wierd to start with but soon it seemed completely normal. Plus it meant I could read the board at school without having to sit at the front of the class :D I end up wearing them almost all the time now.


My advice is to get glasses that you really like and don't be too put off by the price and go for a cheaper alternative (ok, unless you're talking several hundred pounds!) just to save a few quid. You'll feel much more comfortable wearing ones that you love 8) I wear mine everyday and when you work out how much they cost per day it isn't much at all....

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i work in an opticians, i am a lab manager and have been making spectacles for 16 years, i have also worn spex since i was 2 and a half.


a sight test is nothing to worry about at all. if you are a little anxious tell the optician and i am sure they will try and put you at ease. a sight test is not invasive although sometimes the optician does get a little close when checking the health of the eye. it normally take around 15-20 minutes for a full examination and it really is nothing to worry about.


picking some new glasses for yourself can be a bit of a laugh aswell, if you are not sure about the style of spex you might like (should you need any) take someone with you who will give you an honest opinion, as what you might like the look of really may not suit you.


also when the test is done, dont feel pressured into buying the spex immediatly, have a look to see whats on offer. or even have a look in other opticains BEFORE you have your sight test so you know what deals are about.


getting glasses can only be a good thing, and if you are fashion minded can make a big statement.


hope this helps a little, if you need any help, you can PM me.



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i have also worn spex since i was 2 and a half.


picking some new glasses for yourself can be a bit of a laugh aswell




I have worn spex for that long too. Sometimes I forget I'm even wearing them. Hopefully getting my new spex on Tuesday. They're a plummey red colour and look really nice.


It can be fun choosing glasses. Except I can't see when I put them on. They usually end up using the digital camera and taking pics. of me in them so I can decide. I go to a lovely optician and the dispensing lady is very nice and helpful.

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I've worn glasses & contact lenses since I was 9, and the eye test is nothing to worry about, although I have to say that I dislike the way that the optician has to get really, really close to you to look properly into the eye. I think that I was scarred by an experience a few years ago when I was examined by an optician who smelled as if he'd had a really nice, garlicky spicy curry the night before :vom:


Good luck with it :D

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Well as some of you know I had an eye test booked. Went to Asda and they were doing them half the price of my towns opticians, they fitted me in there and then :) so in I went! Good news my eyes are very healthy but I do need glasses for reading :shock: so I,ve got some trendy Morgan ones on order,ready in 14 days.Phew at least thats all over :) Just thought I'd let you know.

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:shock: They're about £20 here :shock: They used to be free :cry:


Gosh! It's like when I needed a prescription in Wales in August. It costs £3 there! And because the doctor only prescribed for 3 days, it was free!


What do you pay for prescriptions Louise?

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I had to pick up a prescription for chookiehubbie the other week - I think it cost £6.95 - I'm pretty sure we pay the same as down south, although they did talk about bringing in free, or lower cost prescriptions here as well, but I don't think it got voted through in the parliament.

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Becuase prescription charges are, as far as I know, one of the things that the devolved parliament has control over.


In Scotland the bill for free or lower prescription charges was voted out, but I vaguely remember that the Welsh Assembly voted the lower charges in fairly soon after they got powers.

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That's what I thought? But how can Wales afford to subsidise medicines to that extent when Scotland and England can't? Where is the money England saves on prescriptions spent instead? I don't hear that Welsh hospitals are overspending like ours are here.

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