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1st Christmas Card

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I'm an addicted internet shopper. I have got all my Christmas presents, all without leaving my house. I cannot bear doing Christmas shopping in November: its too early, but if you wait until later, its worse! I hate crowds and the hype of Christmas in all the shops, who only do it to boost profits. So I do all mine from internet shops, where I can really take my time and browse. When I find something I like, I can quickly see if it is cheaper anywhere else. It gets delivered to my door, so I don't have to fight crowds, get up early to get parked, pay fo the petrol/parking/lunch. Don't have to lug it all around, and best of all, it all comes in lovely boxes, ready for me to simply wrap them up..... perfect! Nearly all high street shops are online. Unless you like the actual experience, I don't understand why anybody would do it! I am sure in the long run, it works out cheaper too, as you shop around on price and don't pay for petrol etc. Its far quicker too!

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I'm quite lucky as I work in our town centre so I can browse the shops (usually before work) then see what I like and then check on line and buy the cheapest.


Just ordered a load of bits and bobs (can't say what, someone maybe listening) from Amazon


Unfortunately as I wasn't in they have gone to our local post office, so will have to wait till friday to pick them up :(

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Most of mine's on line - I can shop in the evening while the littlies are asleep - saves dragging them kicking and screaming around the shops!! :shock::shock:

And I'm sure that those who do shop are grateful to me for staying out of their way too! :oops:

Just ordered a load of things from Amazon USA to be sent direct to my brother and his family in Canada. Free delivery, so that's saved me a small fortune! :D:D

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Im a big internet shopper, I HATE shopping/shops/crowds/queues. Even do most of my groceries online. Last year i didnt go to town once to get any presents.


Even with all that, im still not in the mood to buy or even look online for anything at the moment :cry:


Trying to convince hubby to put up the decorations sometime next week just to "get me in the mood".

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I'm feeling quite encouraged by all you sensible people who do your Christmas shoping online. :D I hate battling round the shops - I'm so useless at shopping! :oops::? Quite happy to sit at my computer for a few evenings though! :wink: I think I will give it a go and let you know how I get on. :D

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