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The Weather Thread # 4

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Wow, what a stunning photo OSH, I love it :D


Evening here now, but it's been a glorious spring day here. Temps are gradually climbing, not sure what it's been today (stuck in an office at work all day) but I was wearing a cotton blouse & light weight, short sleeved cardie...the cardie was discarded by 10am and I spent the afternoon feeling over-heated :? . Finally, finally after a long, dismal winter it seems like summer might finally be on it's way!

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It was a cold, bright, sunny start here. I went to the allotment to stock up on veg, and it was lovely, if a bit muddy. I took boots but when I get there I realised that I had 2 left feet, one mine one YD's :lol: So I now have muddy trainers :roll:


By the time I had got home and washed the carrots etc it had started to rain, but it is brightening again now.

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Grey but bright and dry today.

First frost ... had to s"Ooops, word censored!"e the car windscreen this morning.



I hope the rescued are OK OSH.


All ok, helicoptered off to hospital with a leg injury,

so the guys didn't have to stretcher the casualty off.




Was murky though and it took a few attempts to get RAF rescue in.

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