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The Weather Thread # 4

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Very cold here....supposed to be going to a BBQ tonight! :shock:


In this weather? :shock:


You wrap up warm!


Will do Clare. :D


It seemed like a good idea at the time.. :roll: It's a belated Halloween/bonfire BBQ with party games, I feel like snuggling up in front of telly to be honest! Can't let my friend down though, off to get some party food in a mo.

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We've had a beautiful day, chilly, but very sunny and very blue sky. The clouds started to roll in and you could feel any warmth disappear and we thought "not long before the rain". But it hasn't arrived yet and the clouds broke and we had more sun. Don't mind rain in the night as long as it clears up for the morning.

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Obviously better weather in Basingstoke than in Quimper. It has been freezing here today with rain practically the whole time. Have just put everyone to bed and am just about to grab a ginger moggie and sit infront of the woodburner. Hope tomorrow is good for us all.

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It has been positively vile here again today. Horrendous downpours, light showers and a heavy duty hailstorm. At least we didn't have thunder and lightening like on Tuesday. There has been so much rain this week that all of the chicken area is like a quagmire even with all the chipped wood in and my covered WIR is wet as well as the wind has blown the rain in any little gaps:(

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Wind's picked up here, but it has been cloudy all day so far. We have had a sliver of sun and a teeny bit of blue. Seems to be coming from the north. Has been damp and I think it rained a little, but not much. Was damp first thing although the wind is drying the paths.

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We had the odd spit of rain, enough to wet the paths, but nothing much else. Just a pretty dull day in the end. The sky did clear partially around 3.30, and the only thing the sun was touching was a plane which glowed a nice pink against the blue background. Of course down on the ground, the sun had gone to bed. :roll:

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