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The Weather Thread # 4

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Yep, it's raining again. Yesterday was brilliant, planted 4 apple trees, 1 pear tree, (we need another 2) + 9 soft fruit bushes and 30 hedging plants. We also cleared the poly-tunnel, in T shirts it was that warm. Now it's WET and COLD, I've stoked up the Waterford so it's nice and cosy. What a difference a day makes, still it's promised better tomorrow.........

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Temp has dropped dramatically here today brrrrr first time my hands were frozen when out. I hate the cold with a vengence as it plays havoc with my skin. The central heating then freezing outside brings my excema up and layers of clothes make me itchy :cry: off to itch some more :(

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'Tis very crunchy in the garden this evening....I went out to shut the Nursery (pink eglu) and the (cube red) so Blossom & Jasmine don't get too chilled due to the huge expanse of cold air around their little bantam bodies :wink: and decided that my moulting big girls might appreciate the doors being closed too, so the Bufflings who snuggle up together and nearly fill the (blue eglu) now also got closed in...........all my babies get treated the same you see :roll::lol:


I hope everyone is tucked up warm & cosy,


Sha x

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