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Horrible here, just got in from work after grim drive home, trees down, floods, roads closed etc. The village looks very scarey, lived here for years and never seen such devestation.


The front garden wall has collapsed and the back garden has no fences left at all. Completely flattened :shock:


At the moment the main part of the garden boundary is holding up but I'm feeling quite anxious. The girls seem to be ok, really worried that one of the trees is going to come crashing down on them though.

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Heck! Aren't we all in the wars? Just realised my post about the chooks should have been here really... just off to move it.....

Lesley! Weren't you lucky that no chooks were squashed under your ark?! :shock:

And tree's falling on ballet dancers?

Kate needing a canoe to reach the road....

Head teachers getting soaked to the skin (snigger snigger)....

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Got home tonight to chaos here.... the winds have been monstrous, and the Eglu run had kind of blown up where the extension joins. My three girls were AWOL. It was dark, and as most of you know, I lost one to a fox last year, so started to panic like crazy. They could have been anywhere (4 acres to check), but the only place I could think of was in Mr or Mrs. Fox' tummy.....

I was starting to feel the tears rising as I was rectifying the run, when I spotted something white, about 200 metres away, under a tree. Went to investigate, and found all three girls huddled together..

PHEW!! They have never seemed so grateful for me to pick them up. All three practically jumped into my arms and I put them straight to bed.

Anyway, the end to this story is not quite here... went to check on the donkeys next, to find them shut on the far field (as the gate had managed to shut itself) and poor old Boot's rug had come untucked from under his tail and the whole thing had flapped forward over his face.... he was unable to see a thing! Didn't stop him from eating though.... he was totally non plussed by the event!


Now drinking a very large glass of something medicinal!


Edit: Just moved this as I very self importantly started my own windy thread... didn't see the existing one... :oops: Sorry about deleting you Chelsea and Christian, but thanks fro replying xxx and yes Chelsea, I can hold three at once... long arms you see :wink:

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I'm so relieved you found your chickens Annie. I would have been panicking too. And your poor donkeys shut in far away - they sound really funny but it must have been a bit unpleasant for them, especially poor Boots!


Cabbagepatch, whereabouts in the country are you?


Let's hope the winds die down a bit tonight. Are there any Omleteers in Appleby? (I think that's where the floods are - somewhere in Cumbria, but I'm ashamed to say it's all a bit Dutch to me! :oops: )

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I used to live near Appleby and can report that it regularly floods. The Eden flows right through the middle of the town and the powers that be just don't seem to have got their act together yet.


So pleased everyone's chooks are safe after all the trauma.

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The floods in Appleby have subsided according to the local news this morning but it is still raining and is likely to flood again this afternoon there was uproar yesterday as the alarm went off at 8am and the only place supplied with sandbags was the village bowling green :shock:

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